Monday, September 14, 2015

[Blogtember Challenge] Real me vs online me

I am not going to say that I lie about my life on the blog, but here is the thing; we usually don't use this little space as a place to hold bad memories. When I look at my blog, I love to see pictures, special moments, and memories of how I felt in those special moments. There are a few areas of life that I really do not show on the blog. Like, ever. And, for that reason, I obviously am not going to dive into great detail in those areas today. But, I think that to touch base and be honest is refreshing, and hopefully some readers can relate and realize that we all have struggles!

1. Online me: coordinated outfits, put together. Real me: this is somewhat true. Only because I have a job. With a dress code. Often in the public eye where people recognize me (to a certain extent) and I have a program reputation to uphold. However, as I type this I am rocking wet slept on hair that dried on the pillow with my bangs pinned back, because getting out of bed was not more important than a few extra minutes of shuteye and baby snuggles this morning.

2. Online me: perfectly happy family, marriage, kids, etc. Real me: I love my family, marriage, and child. However, me and my husband fight. In fact, the man has a tendency to gravitate towards disagreeing, mostly because he just enjoys disagreeing. He should have been a lawyer, seriously. I adore my child, but sometimes on the weekend, I escape to the mall with absolutely no intentions of purchasing anything, because I just need two hours by myself. And while I love my parents and siblings, our issues, drama, and disagreements are for real. We all come together and love one another, but to say we all greet every conversation with a warm smile and a hug would be a total lie.

3. Online me: optimistic, happy, grateful. Real me: Sometimes, I am grumpy. And short. And would prefer people didn't talk to me. Not all of the time, but you better believe it happens. I don't hold grudges forever, but I often have a hard time letting go of things. I am happy and grateful for the life I have, but sometimes I get jealous of others and wonder why I can't have it all, all of the time. I occasionally get bitter that staying home with my child really isn't an option. Life is what you make it. Wrapping around to the beginning of this post, I think this point is the perfect highlight for why I choose to highlight the good emotions here. To put positive thoughts down really helps me realize all that I have to be grateful for.

4. Online me: organized, a planner. Real me: I am a planner to the extreme, but I am not organized. I like to set goals and can plan for an event a year down the line to every last detail, but good luck getting me to keep my house spotless or remember where I put that receipt I was supposed to keep track of. I am slowly working on developing a system and being more on top of things, but mama needs some major work in that department.

5. Online me: crafty. Real me: crafty. What you see on the blog there is real. I love to craft, particularly when it involves copious amounts of glitter. Yes, nearly all of my crafts (minus crocheting) involve glitter. In fact, I do more crafting at home than I document on the blog. I need to get to work on that one!

Really, I try to be as transparent as possible here on the blog. I have written about some struggles because sometimes I know that it helps for others to be able to know they may not be the only one. But for the most part, this is a place where I love to remember happy times, events, and just maybe my good hair days!! 

Brave Love Blog

1 comment:

  1. I think this a great explanation of real life vs. online life! There's such a balancing act that needs to happen and it isn't easy. I never thought I would have to deal with something like authenticity online, but it's definitely there!


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