Thursday, September 8, 2016

Lincoln: 4 Months

Another month, another chalkboard. Pretty sure I am going to blink and it will be his first birthday. This little boy has changed SO much in the past month, and most of the changes have been very welcome! If you can't tell by the picture, he is becoming one happy, smiley little guy. And please excuse the sloppy chalkboard. His big brother is obsessed with coloring lately, and decided to decorate the chalkboard with crayon. In case you were wondering, chalk does NOT go on well over crayon. Hoping this is something my magic eraser can fix!
Age: Four months
Height: 27 inches. 98th percentile. Seriously. This kid is huge!
Weight: 20 pounds. 99th percentile. He is my chunky little monkey!
Milestones: He has really gotten strong this month. He can hold himself up in the jumparoo like a champ. We can't leave him unattended in the bumbo chair for a second because he arches his back and is so close to getting out. He outgrew pretty much all of his 6 month clothing and is solidly wearing 9 month stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if we were moving into 12 month clothing by the end of this month. He wears size 3 diapers and has been for awhile.
In terms of personality, literally in the few days before turning 4 months he just started to shine with lots of screams and babble and giggles. He is so playful, loves to be tickled, and will stand on your lap and screech at anything and everything for hours. Despite a rough start in the termperment department (the 4th trimester was very real with this guy), he is seriously becoming the sweetest little honey man.
Sleep: We have not yet made it through the night. On a good night, he will make it until 3am or so, and then is usually back up to eat around 5 or 5:30 after that. A lot of nights he is up twice, sometimes three times. I keep wanting to transition him out of the bassinet in our room and up to his crib..maybe making the switch will encourage him to sleep better, but I fear it will be the opposite and he will keep on with his current trends and I will be climbing our big staircase multiple times per night. Hopefully I am able to pull the trigger on it this month!
Best Moments: His precious, precious baby babbles! He has become SO vocal this past week, loves to scream and jabber and giggle and I cannot get enough of it. And, despite always wanting to 'kiss' Lincoln, Jackson has really started interacting with him a bit more, and last week as I was driving I heard Jackson talking softly in the backseat. I looked and saw he was glancing at Lincoln, so I peeked in Lincoln's reflective mirror and saw him just smiling away at his talking brother before dozing off to sleep. You guys. I almost died. I can only hope we have tons of sweet moments like this ahead. I can't wait to watch these little brothers grow up together.
Worst Moments: Lincoln is at that magical age where he is immobile..for now. Until one minute he decides to become mobile and then it is game over. He rolls over from his belly to his back all of the time, and is working so hard already to go from back to belly, and I think he will be successful soon. With all of that being said, earlier this month he was lying on the ottoman (bad mom, I know) and I was in the kitchen prepping dinner all while keeping my eye on him. Well, the little guy had apparently mastered scooting by pushing his legs off of the floor, and I felt like time was in slow motion as he started creeping towards the edge. I set down my huge pot of water, bolted for the living room, but was not fast enough and his little body back-flipped to the floor. He of course started screaming immediately, and was lying on his belly. I had those few seconds of sheer terror before touching him that he would not be able to move, but thankfully I picked him up and all was well, besides his mood. I think we will be baby proofing this house way earlier this go around, I don't see this guy slowing down for anything!
Health: His health is good! He has had what I would call 'touches' of a cold here and there, but nothing major. He is still obviously growing, and is losing more and more of his fussy behavior to just become the happiest little guy.
Eating: Yes. 99th percentile. Need I say more? This is also probably why I am waking up three times a night still..growing boy has gotta eat!
Teeth: None yet. He drools like CRAZY, and has been gnawing and biting on everything, so I think they may come soon. But I remember thinking that with Jackson, and he was close to 7 months before one finally broke through. Whenever they come though, he is showing the signs and we are cycling through 3 or so soaked bibs per day to show for it!
Likes: Eating, talking and playing with anyone who will give him attention, chewing on things, especially his hands, playing in his jumper, reaching and grabbing for toys, ceiling fans, his sound machine light projector, holding hands. He has also come around go going on walks, and while he doesn't necessarily like car rides, he no longer screams bloody murder every time we go somewhere, so at least I can take that off of the dislike list! He also seems to be calmed down when he is having a fit by being strapped in his carseat and covered with a blanket, which is a 180 from a few months ago. He LOVES to have soft blankets up around his face, and that is pretty much the only way he will fall asleep. It is a little scary for this mama, but I just wait until he has fallen asleep and then go in and remove the blanket to make sure he is safe!
Dislikes: He has come around to bath time, except for getting his hair washed (so we save that for the end!). He hates being left alone, laying on his back, loud noises, when his brother screams and wakes him up from a nap. I am so happy to say the dislike list has grown much shorter in the past few weeks. He is seriously a different baby than he was a month ago, and while we have always loved him, we truly just adore his new little personality that is coming out!


  1. You should print all of these out and put into a book! So sweet and you'll want to look back on these in the years to come!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. Oh my goodness. What a little chunky monkey. So adorable though. My girls are about 25 pounds and they are 20 months! My girls still don't always sleep through the night. It is a struggle for sure. Love that he is babbling away and being so cute...and healthy!

  3. He's what we call a 'solid' little boy! He's such a cutie!

  4. It's so funny the how different babies can be.. my little 30th percentile fella is not even to 15 pounds! Haha! :)


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