Saturday, August 6, 2016

Lincoln: 3 Months

It is so crazy to think that our little man is already three months old! He has grown and changed so much this past month, and his personality is really starting to shine through. He has the sweetest smile, loves to coo and talk, and also loves to scream when things aren't to his liking ;-) He is just the most precious little thing, he melts my heart every single day with the sweet looks that he sends my way.

Age: three months
Height: 26 inches. 99th percentile. Ask me how surprised I am to once again have a huge baby?
Weight: 18 pounds. 99th percentile. Again, he may have more of daddy's gene pool for looks, but mamas genetics for hanging out at the top of the charts are winning!
Milestones: Nothing major this month, but he has really calmed down quite a bit with his fussiness. He definitely still has fussy times, but less frequently than before. He also has let out his first belly laughs! He loves to be tickled, and when you give his belly a little shake he will giggle and it is just the absolute sweetest.
He has started to recognize people and sights from  further away, and I have noticed he now will watch the TV, is amazed by some of Jackson's electronic toys, and will watch his brother play with a precious smile on his face.
Sleep: Nowhere close to sleeping  through the night! This month we really got at least a bit more predictable with sleep, and typically he is up around midnight-1am and then again around 3 or so. As long as we get that first decent stretch in it isn't too bad! We are moving any day now and plan to make the move to him sleeping in the crib (which is currently disassembled and he has never used) the first night we stay there. It will be so nice to finally have a separate room to rock and feed him!
Best Moment: Those sweet giggles! And while he has always been generous with the smiles for mama, it has taken awhile for others to experience his charm. Seeing him finally start enjoying his dad and brother a bit more has been great. 
Worst Moment: Nothing major this month! I suppose we can say those 2 month shots. Never a fun experience for baby!
Health: Growing and thriving! The only real issue is he still seems to have plugged eye ducts so they get 'goopy', especially when he cries or has watery eyes. Nothing to be concerned about or that we can really fix, just hoping they clear up soon because crusty eyes are no fun for baby!
Eating: Eating is his favorite. He is just a BIG baby, which likely is why he wakes up a few times a night to eat. A lot of eating needs to happen to grow that much! 
Teeth: None, but the drooling has begun. Who knows when he will cut any teeth, but we have definitely whipped out all of the bibs on the regular. 
Likes: Surprisingly, the dreaded diaper changes are now his FAVORITE. He is all smiles during every single change. He loves to be talked to, tickled, and swayed when he is laying down. He will hang out in his swing or bouncy chair for hours at a time. He loves watching Jackson's new Thomas the Train toy. Likes background noises, especially the vacuum cleaner! We may have let him taste a Dilly Bar, and I'm pretty sure he likes that, too ;-)
Dislikes: Bathtime, but he is finally coming around on that one and has made it through a few without having a total meltdown. Still hates the car. He is very aware of his surroundings, and gets upset whenever mom or whoever is with him gets out of his sight. 

Life with Lincoln is getting sweeter every day, and I cannot wait to see him really start to develop a personality and his own ways in the next few months! We love you, Lincoln!


  1. He is just so sweet! Happy three months, Lincoln!

  2. If it makes you feel any better, my six month old HATED bath time until recently...he would scream and cry and just have a fit every time, but he adores it now.


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