Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Letter To Jackson-Happy Birthday!

Jackson. My sweet, precious Jackson.
It just does not seem possible that you have been with us for two full years. And then again, life without you is something that is impossible to comprehend. You turned our world upside down in the best way. Neither me, nor your daddy, truly understood what it was to have something to live for until we had you. Every smile, every milestone, and even every naughty action are all moments we are lucky to be a part of, because it means we are a part of something with you.
You have changed so much since your brother was born. Or maybe it is just the way that we see you that has changed. You seem so much older, so big, I often find myself forgetting that you are still just a baby yourself. You love to give him kisses on his head, even though he does not like receiving those kisses one bit. Whenever you are preparing to love up on Lincoln, you start to breathe as if you are hyperventilating, and while it usually means some scolding and timeouts are coming after you disrupt your brother, it warms my heart so much to see how much you love him.
You are one tough little guy, that is for sure. You have fallen and skinned your knees, will jump into a pool and go all the way under, and have had your fair share of bumps and bruises. Nine times out of ten, you get right back up and keep going as if nothing happened. You are so risilient, and I am both proud and terrified, as literally nothing seems to scare you. I predict you might be that teenage boy driving a bit too fast, or jumping off of the highest jump at the quarry park. Your free spirit is what makes you, you, though, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
In addition to being fearless, you are also a lover. Your bear hugs and kisses are something I can never get enough of. Anyone who knows you will likely agree that there is nothing better than when you break into your silly little run to jump into someone's arms for some lovin. You are truly a little ham, and will smile and talk to anyone who gives you attention, whether it be your grandma, a waitress, or a random lady in the grocery store. Your smile is infectious, sweet boy, and everyone who meets you is powerless to your charm. 
While a little bit of my heart breaks to watch you come to the end of your 'baby' days, there is nothing better than watching you become your own person. You are affectionate, stubborn, emotional, silly, and an absolute joy. It is hard to remember life without you, but I'm certain it had to have been dull. Nothing makes me happier than watching you play, listening to your silly jabbering, sharing my treats with you, and holding your hand during car rides. I hope you always look at me with the love you do now. There is no greater reward than watching you grow and knowing I have the best title there is in being your mama. 
I pray that you continue to grow into the charming boy I know you will be, and I pray that your daddy and I will be guided to raise you in the best way that we are able. You and your brother are the reason we work hard and strive to be the best versions of ourselves, and we hope you always know that nothing is more important or sacred to us than being the best mommy and daddy that we can be. 
'You are my Jackson, my only Jackson
You'll be my baby for all your days
You'll never know dear how much I love you
My Jackson Thomas Stang'

I love you so much my squershy boy, happy second birthday! 


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