
Wednesday, March 30, 2016


I am so glad it is already Thursday! This week has been flying by, but that doesn't mean I am not super ready to welcome another weekend! Of course, before we start thinking about the weekend, it is time for some weekly confessions with Jess and Caitlin!

I confess..

Pregnancy weight gain has be stressing. I am within normal range, but about 3 pounds ahead of where I was at this point with Jackson. In fact, this entire pregnancy I have just consistently sat about 3 pounds ahead of the last time. Hardly an earth shattering difference, but still. I am SO eager to get back into shape after baby is here.

My sweet tooth is out of control. Probably not helping with the pregnancy weight gain. My parents gave us a ton of Easter candy last weekend, including a bag of Reeses eggs, and said bag is already gone. In my defense, hubby ate as many as I did..

I am about to snap when it comes to sleeping and my toddler lately. His 'comfort item' is hair. Yes, hair. He could care less about stuffed animals, sound machines, or blankets, but if he is in need of comfort, you best believe he will have his entire first in your head of hair. Some nights if I move to get away, he will wake out of a DEEP sleep, cry, frantically reach until he can feel my hair, and immediately fall back to sleep. HELP.

I am seriously getting mad in my search of a nursing tank top. Long, fitted so it can be worn under other shirts, and enough coverage that I don't need a bra underneath (because doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?) You would think I were asking someone to move mountains!

Even though I am still pregnant, I have found myself already fantasizing about having baby number three. Might be putting the cart ahead of the horse there, huh?

Being around other people's dogs has made me decide I never want a dog. They are like a baby, except they never grow up!

After having days in the sixties pushing seventies in late February here in Minnesota, the forecast is now grim and icky. Please explain to me how I was running in shorts and a tank top the last weekend of February yet I am wearing boots and jackets the first weekend of April with snow in the forecast? Go home spring, you're drunk.

I so desperately want to go shopping for some cute shorts and spring clothing, but know it just does not make sense to do so until baby comes and I have a better idea of what will fit best. I refuse to buy anything else that is maternity because I will be wearing it for two months, max, but I am so sick of everything I have been wearing and it won't warm up enough for me to pull out my dresses and skirts like I want to!

Sorry for being a bit of a downer today, but it is rainy and cold and I am sleep deprived and pregnant and wishing away April because I am SO ready for all that May will bring! Soon enough! :-)

What's In My Hospital Bag

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 
6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10

I have said it before and I will say it again, to this day I am a little bit bitter about the fact that I was unable to really pack a hospital bag when I had Jackson. At four weeks early, I simply hadn't gotten around to the task yet, and as a result I really felt scattered our entire stay in the hospital. Don't get me wrong, the hospital will truly provide all of the necessities for you, but in those few days when your life is turned upside down with the addition of your babe, it helps to feel in control of at least some things! These are all of the things that are making their way into my hospital bag, which I will be packing this week at 33 weeks pregnant! No taking chances this time around.

1. I haven't gotten a new robe in awhile, and wanted something pretty to wear during my stay that would be comfortable, easy for nursing, and still presentable for when people visit. Pink Blush has gorgeous options on their website, and I have ordered this one and can't wait to wear it both during and after my hospital stay.

2. You may have heard, but in the weeks following the birth of your baby, there is a good amount of bleeding that happens. While the hospital will provide the mesh panties, I found it super helpful to invest in a few pairs of boxer briefs. They were great for wearing around the house in the 1-2 weeks after baby too, because they cover everything and depending on whether you have company or not, are totally acceptable to wear as 'shorts', in my opinion.

3. Your milk may not come in during your hospital stay, but I find it better to be prepared and have a stack of these on hand. Once the leaking starts, it won't stop for awhile (or a year, in my case). I found that through all brands and price points, the Lansinoh were my favorite.

4. Tucks. I did not use these last time, but everyone I talk to swears by them. It is without question things will be uncomfortable after baby is born, and I am hoping these are an extra bit of help during healing.

5. #Mom Life sweatshirt. I invested in this cute little number, which is super widecut at the neck. I thought it would be so cozy in the hospital, and still easy access for nursing. I think it is important for new moms to splurge on themselves a bit and treat themselves to a new item or two to feel special!

6. Shampoo/conditioner. Again, things you can get at the hospital, but when you are in the midst of craziness, it really does help to have a little bit of home with you. Other things to bring are your toothbrush/toothpaste, face wash, makeup, and anything else you use during your daily routine.

7. Nipple butter. Breastfeeding came pretty easy the first time around, but that is not to say that it was easy. Cracked, sore, and raw are all very real experiences as you and baby learn the ropes together, and nipple butter is an absolute must if you plan on nursing. It is a huge relief for mom, and I also love this all natural version which makes me feel better about knowing baby will likely be 'eating' a bit of it.

8. Yoga pants will carry you through your pregnant, and you best believe they will carry you through the postpartum weeks as well. I love having options that flip up or fold down at the waist, as this really is accommodating whether you have a vaginal delivery or a C-section.

9. Call me crazy, but I really felt I maintained a sense of sanity during my first hospital stay by taking five minutes to curl my hair. This is NOT a necessity in the slightest, but there is so much to deal with after you have a baby, and there WILL be pictures. I could probably work on the vanity of this, but these are precious moments and I don't think it is the worst thing to feel decently put together so that looking back on photos ten years from now doesn't leave me cringing. Again, a personal choice, but it helped me feel great after Jackson was born!

10. Nursing tank tops are high on my list this time around. I only bought nursing bras last time, which are still great, but especially in the first few days and weeks, I learned quickly that it is all about easy access. I love that with tanks, there is no hiking up your shirt and exposing that newly deflated tummy, and there is also no pulling down on bra straps, which I found did quite a bit of damage to my tank tops the last time around. These from H&M are super affordable in comparison to most others, and while comfort and quality are important, I also know these tops will go through the ringer, and I like knowing that if these get milk stained or stretched out I won't be out a ton of money!

A few other random items that get thrown in the hospital bag include:
  1. A camera. Smartphones are great, but I want higher quality photos if possible.
  2. Snacks. I really like the food at our hospital, but you will have guests, and we will have a hungry older brother visiting this time, and having things like trail mix, gatorades, and fruit are great when hunger strikes or you don't want to fork over the money for cafeteria food.
  3. Slippers. I am not a huge slipper wearer, but having something cozy for your feet is a good option!
  4. Camera/Phone/Computer chargers. Because duh.
  5. Music. I can likely pull this off of my phone, but it is nice to have the option to play relaxing music if you want it!
  6. Extra ponytails/bobby pins/headbands. I always seem to start with a ton and end up with NONE by the end of an overnight stay!
Am I missing anything!? Having not done this the first time around, I basically feel like a first timer when it comes to packing my bag this go-around! I would love to hear what other ladies bring and what they choose to leave at home!

Linking up with Jen & Jessi, and Holly!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekending: Our Easter

Happy Monday everyone! Of course, there is really not much to feel happy about on the Monday following a holiday weekend. I have meetings throughout the day and an event that will have me working a 12 hour day today, so I just woke up telling myself that once I get through today the rest of the week will seem easy. Right!?

Friday was a short work day, and on Friday evening all of my brother and sisters in law came over for a fish fry. LOVE fish frys, and Jackson gobbled up more fish than I ever imagined he would. Hilarious because his dad will not touch fish with a ten foot pole, and he is such a picky little eater, that to see him love it so much was crazy. But good, at least it's one more thing we know he will eat!

Saturday was a lazy day. It consisted of lounging, TV watching, and lots of playing with our little guy. We dyed eggs in the afternoon, and Jackson had a BLAST trying to stick the eggs in and out of the water, as well as half of his hand. The staining was hilarious and looked like a terrible tanline because he did it in the red water.
We decided that our best course of action regarding Easter church service was to go to vigil on Saturday night, so we left for 8pm service and didn't get home until after 10. For anyone who knows us, you also know that we are usually getting ready for bed at 8pm (no not joking) so it was a late night for us by the time we got to sleep!

On Sunday Jackson was up bright and early, and really could care less about his Easter basket. A child after my own heart, he did immediately reach in, grab a Cadbury Caramel egg, and try to eat it foil and all. Hilarious, because that is pretty much exactly what I always did too; those things are too good!

We met my family for brunch late morning, and ate way more than we needed to. Jackson was more focused on running up and down the hotel stairs and towards the arcade and pool than he was on eating. Brunching with a toddler is exhausting.

The rest of the day Mike's family was over, so it was games, going for a walk, and just hanging out. We went on an Easter egg hunt after Jackson's afternoon nap, and he was more interested in running down the hill in the yard than anything else. When he did stumble across an egg, his first objective was to open it up and grab the candy out of it. #somychild

We capped off the night with The Walking Dead, and OH MY I am already so nervousexcited for next week's season finale I can hardly stand it.

And, in other exciting news, the winner of the Pink Blush gift card is...Jennie B! Congratulations girly, I have sent off your info and you should be hearing from them with your gift card soon! :-)

Linking up with Meg and Biana today!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bumpdate: 32 Weeks

We are 4/5 done, 8 months along, or 56 days from our due date. But who is counting, right? ;-) While I am beginning to reach that point of being ready to be 'done', we also have SO much to do in the coming months that I sometimes forget how soon our family is going to be changing into something new. Going as close to full term as possible also increases the possibility that I will still be on maternity leave when the day comes to move into our new house, and I love the idea of having the opportunity to get settled and organize while having a week or two off of work. Of course all of that is out of my hands, but the OCD planner in me can organize and plan anyway, right?!

The most adorable big brother crashed this week's bumpdate!

How far along? 32 weeks
Gender: little man
Total weight gain: official weigh in at my appointment today, but I think I am at about 25-26 pounds according to the bathroom scale. Yikes! I am still totally on track to be within the healthy range for weight gain, but some weeks it feels like those pounds tack on no matter how healthy I eat or how active I am!
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still lots of regular clothes. A nice little mix focused mostly on what is most comfortable!
Stretch marks? None yet.
Belly button in or out: In, but getting closer and closer to being flat
Sleep: Bad, bad, bad. Insomnia and Jackson's sleep habits are still totally kicking my butt. I keep hoping that he can get onto SOME sort of schedule before the baby is born, because if it continues as it is with the addition of a newborn, I literally will not. sleep. ever. again.
Exercise: Still running! The bump is still manageable and I am comfortable when I run, which makes me feel very lucky.
Best moment this week: Well, we bought our kitchen appliances for our new house! And I never thought a refrigerator would make me so happy. I predict I will stand in front of it just admiring all of the space when we move.
Miss Anything? Beer, a nice cold malibu diet, and sleep.
Movement: Lots, but I feel like he might be slowing down a bit. Starting to transition from lots of little jabs and kicks to less frequent, big rolls and movements.
Food cravings: Anything with sugar, fruits, still diet pepsi. No major cravings lately, though.
Symptoms: Insomnia, a little bit of lower back pain, some pelvic pressure. I have also noticed if I lay flat on my back I am starting to get light headed and need to re-position. That never really happened with my first pregnancy, so it is an adjustment feeling like laying on my back isn't an option!
Anything making you queasy or sick: A little bit if I lay on my back.
Labor Signs: Nope, definitely lots of braxton hicks happening though.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: In the middle this week. SOO tired and feeling antsy in general this week.
Looking Forward To: Easter this weekend! I am thinking we need to put together an Easter Egg hunt for Jackson, and I can't wait to eat some good food, enjoy church, and just relax. 

If you haven't yet, today is the final day to enter my giveaway for a $75 gift card to PinkBlush! They carry both maternity and non-maternity items, so all ladies should totally enter! Winner will be announced on Monday!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I am back at it for some confessions with Caitlin and Jess today.

I confess..

Adding to my list of pregnancy offenses, I licked the bowl after making cookies last weekend. I spoke with a coworker who is a registered dietician today though, and she told me that small amounts in the form of licking the bowl is fine. BOOM.

I found this watch on Neiman Marcus Last Call and am dying. I want it. But we are doing things like, you know, building a house and having a baby, so I really just can't justify buying a new watch, even if it is the steal of the century.

I am going to be launching a linkup with Jenn over at Crown Me In Glitter the first week of April! We are calling it 'Talk About It Tuesday' and it will be a place to dish about any one thing on your mind; a favorite new recipe, something that has been weighing heavy on your mind, a funny story, or maybe a fabulous sale that you know is going on. This will be a fun little way for us to share and focus on one thing that is going on in our lives lately in a bit more detail! Grab the image below and look out for the first day of the linkup on Tuesday, April 5th!
I am officially obsessed with Piko shirts. I now own five of them, and can't say that I will be stopping at that number. I may have a problem.

Even though it is cold in Minnesota this week, I am still wearing skirts and showing off my bare legs. Because I am pregnant and am so ridiculously sick of wearing leggings, and if spring is going to be temperamental, I am just going to force it.

The other night, Jackson soaked out of his diaper, got it all over his sheets, and needed to come into our bed because his wasn't usable. He proceeded to talk and SLAP us in the face for hours all through the night, and I was seconds away from bursting into tears and just driving away and sleeping in my car.

I am so excited and love this second child that I am carrying, but I honestly don't really think about him. I know he is there, I know he is healthy and growing, but I just don't feel like I have the time to sit around daydreaming about what he will be like. For now, I have one child and he keeps me busy and frazzled enough, so it is one less thing worrying about this child for the 9 months where I know he is absolutely safe and I am doing my job as a mom by simply being.

I never wanted to be a boy mom. I only ever imagined daughters. Now, while I would never dismiss the opportunity to have a little girl, I can't even wrap my mind around the concept and am so madly in love with the idea of having little boys.

That is about all for this week, can't wait to see what all you ladies have going on!

What I Wore Wednesday: Piko Love!

One of my ultimate goals when investing in my maternity wardrobe is to find as many 'non-maternity' pieces as possible. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a pretty dress or pair of maternity jeans, or a few basic t-shirts are totally necessary. But, with the current trends right now, there are SO many options available that allow expecting mamas to dress their bumps and then transition into post-baby wear as well. Enter the piko top. These soft, stretchy, organic tops are just what the doctor ordered when you are looking for both cute and comfortable.

Piko Tops // Booties // Leggings // Army Jacket (old)

Can you tell I am a sucker for pink? Favorite color by a mile. Both of these options are so so pretty in person. The long sleeve top is 'french rose', and the short sleeve is 'rose quartz'. I also own a black and white striped, as well as green, short sleeve version. They are so very comfortable, I am thinking of investing in as many colors as possible in the t-shirts. They are great to wear while pregnant, but I also am thinking how perfect these will be paired with shorts this summer after baby arrives but I perhaps am not quite in the mood to wear anything skin-tight that shows off the post-baby bump.

Right now, if you use this code you can receive $10 off your first order at Piko! If you try out one shirt, with shipping it will cost you less than $15. Ladies, trust me when I say that this is a steal. These shirts will run you anywhere from $30-40 in most boutiques, and the selection of styles and colors over at Piko is unreal. I am not lying when I tell you it is requiring a lot of will power and resistance to not buy up everything in bulk. 

Head over and try out one of these tops now, after this discount you really can't go wrong! I would love to hear what you think of the tops if you own one yourself, or your feedback once you try one out!

Also, make sure to check out this post for a chance to win a $75 gift card to PinkBlush! Registration is open through Friday night, and the winner will be announced next Monday

Linking up with Jen & JessiHolly, and Lindsey over at The Pleated Poppy! 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Pink Blush Maternity: A Giveaway

You may or may not have noticed from my constant stream of posts regarding mommyhood, bumpdates, and shopping lists, but I am expecting baby number two in just two short months! While pregnancy is a beautiful time, it certainly comes with its share of challenges, one of which is how to dress a constantly changing body. Expecting mamas want to look and feel beautiful, especially as their bellies grow.

I was so excited when Pink Blush Maternity reached out to me to collaborate and share their new spring items with my readers. I have followed their site for quite some time, and you likely have seen their styles circling Pinterest and other social media outlets. They are truly one of the most fashionable (and affordable!) maternity lines that I have seen.

Dress c/o Pink Blush // Booties

With both Easter and a bridal shower just around the corner, I was majorly stressing over what to wear. I love feeling dressed up for special occasions, but as I am very pregnant, it can be challenging to find the 'right outfit'. Enter this adorable blush lace dress. I couldn't believe how nicely it flowed when I first tried it on. It is super comfortable, nice and long which makes it perfect for any occasion, and flattering. I paired it with some booties, and plan to throw a jacket over the top for church on Easter morning. This piece will be great with sandals once the weather is a bit warmer, too! It really is a versatile piece, and most importantly, super comfortable for the expecting mom!

Pink Blush is graciously offering a $75 gift card to one of my readers, and here is the best part; they have both a maternity and non-maternity line! So ladies, this is not just limited to those who are expecting! Go ahead and enter below, registration is open through this Friday and I will announce the winner next Monday!

*I received this item in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are solely my own.

 Linking up with Meg and Biana today!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Favorites

Hello ladies, and hello Friday! This week has been quite the doozy. Between adjusting to daylights savings, coupled with three straight mornings of needing to be up and at 'em for work by beginning my office time at 6am (which my body thought was 5am) this mama is tired. I may or may not have gone to work without doing my hair yesterday. At least I brought a ponytail so I could throw it in a top knot. Sometimes sleep>professionalism, am I right? I am excited for the weekend, we really don't have anything big planned but I know that for the next few months, we are going to be SO busy so I am not complaining about a slow weekend!
Lots of long days this week means a few hours of work from home this morning..this little image always makes me laugh, it's so true!

1. House Progress
This week was a big one for our home building process. We signed a contract with our builder (so they are stuck with us now!) and did all of the fun bank things that you have to do so they will let us move forward. All documents have been signed and sent off, so now is basically a waiting day until we are able to break ground, which should be about four weeks from now! I can't believe it's finally happening! Sometimes Mike and I stop and just get giddy thinking about how things will be six months from now. New house, new baby boy, watching football on the couch in our new living room looking out over the pond in our backyard..someone pinch me! I have been driving by our lot quite a bit lately, now I know what the house is going to look like and if I squint hard enough I swear I can see what it is going to look like! Have any of you ladies built before? I am thinking a post on what I have learned through this process so far is definitely in order..there is SO MUCH that goes into building, especially if it is a custom build like we are doing!
Home sweet home..coming August 5th, 2016 or sooner (so the contract tells me!)
2. Big Boy Bed 
So listen, my little boy is the sweetest, happiest guy, I could just eat him up most of the time. But OY, he is about the worst sleeper, EVER. We were making some progress a month or so ago, then BAM he cut all four molars and came down with influenza A and croup all in the same week. So, he spent a solid week coming straight to bed with us, in large part because we were afraid to leave him alone with his high fevers and barking cough. Then during the second week he was still totally not 100%, so as soon as he so much as whimpered we scooped him up and brought him to bed. We didn't mind, and the extra snuggles were nice and necessary. But now we are paying the price of 100% going backwards and have a 19 month old who wants nothing more than to sleep between mom and dad all night, every night. The one way we could get him to (sometimes) stay in his room was by laying next to him on his crib (we took down the front rail a few months ago). But, now this mama is over 7 months pregnant and cannot handle laying on a crib mattress, so last weekend we went and purchased a twin mattress, borrowed a bed frame from my sister in law, and bought a few new sheets. This week has been rough, and baby has ended up in our bed still, but last night, aside from me going in to lay with him once around midnight, he stayed in his room ALL NIGHT! I have my fingers and toes crossed we are able to finally turn a corner here. And hopefully now that if we need to we can lay on something that actually semi-supports our backs, we will be better about not bringing him into our bed!

I know I have mentioned these before, but I made them the past two weekends in a row, and am working hard to tell myself not to make them again this weekend. They are so good, easy to make, and the little bit of extra effort versus a box mix is SO worth it. As a brownie lover, I can tell you these are the best I have ever made.  

4. Slip On Shoes

Is anyone else so excited to finally be wearing shoes that aren't boots!? I purchased these at the buy one get one half off sale at Target, and have already worn them tons! They are so comfy and cute, and you cannot beat the price! Target wins again 

5. Chino Pants
 I am on the hunt for a fun, colorful pair of chino pants for this summer! This style from the Gap has me doing all the heart eyes,  and these are another great option. These are another option that comes in tall, so I totally have my eye on them. I cannot wait for baby to get here, so I feel like I can actually start shopping for real clothes again!

Have a fabulous weekend ladies, can't wait to see what everyone else is up to!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bumpdate: 31 Weeks

Happy Thursday ladies! Just like that, another week down, and we are that much closer to meeting our second baby boy. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, I got a little matchy-matchy for this week's photo. I can't drink green beer, and my waistline really doesn't need lucky charm bars (as much as I want them), so this is about as much as this 0% Irish girl gets into the holiday spirit! 
Dress (old, similar styles here and here)
How far along? 31 Weeks
Gender: Baby boy!
Total weight gain: Still haven't stepped on a scale, will do that again next Friday! So from my last appointment, 21+, probably 23-24.
Maternity clothes? Still mostly getting by with the stretchy section of my regular wardrobe.
Stretch marks? Not yet! Using my baby belly bar every single day.
Belly button in or out: In but getting more flat by the day
Sleep: Terrible. Insomnia has kicked in full force, and Jackson just hates sleeping if he isn't laying on top of me or trying to eat my hair (gross, I know).
Exercise: Yep! Still running and feeling good.
Best moment this week: Best and scariest moment was officially signing off on our builder, kicking off our home building process! Now fingers crossed everything with the bank goes through as quickly as possible!
Miss Anything? This past week I have really been craving a cold, fruit cocktail. And sleep, as per usual.
Movement: Lots of little feet pushing out on my right side, pretty much at all times!
Food cravings: Brownies, fruit, fizzy drinks, cold and fresh foods have been good lately!
Symptoms: Insomnia, braxton hicks, pelvic pressure, leg cramps, and feeling some swelling this week. Mostly this is noticeable only because I get paranoid if my wedding ring feels even remotely tight!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Riding on a coach bus to a work event. I may have rode home with a coworker who drove seperately..I get so carsick SO easy!
Labor Signs: No, but definitely staying as in tune as possible with pelvic pressure..I have had way more this entire pregnancy than I did the first time, so I am trying to be careful to know when to rest and take it down a notch.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week, lots of exciting stuff happening! 
Looking forward to: This one is probably going to get repetitive, but getting to make fun decisions for our house! Mama can't wait to have a new refrigerator!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Workwear Wednesday: Dressing The Bump

Dress // Jacket (old, similar here) // Booties 

Dare I say it, but I think spring has officially sprung in Minnesota, and I could not be more excited. After months of wearing nothing but leggings and sweaters, it is SO refreshing to have days that are warm enough to slip on a dress or skirt instead. I scooped up this black dress (non-maternity!) at the Gap Factory store during their friends and family sale, and it was only $12! It is nice and long, super comfortable and stretchy, and I know it will be great to wear this summer for after baby, too! The jacket is more than five years old, but a true staple in my closet and one of my favorite pieces. I decided it wasn't quite warm enough for sandals yet, so I threw on a pair of booties and called it good to go. This outfit was perfect for feeling put together for our board meeting, yet still comfortable and fun for the afternoon and weekend ahead!

Linking up with Jen & Jessi, Holly, and Lindsey over at The Pleated Poppy! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

liebster award

Recently, my dear gal pal Jenn over at Crown Me In Glitter nominated me for the Liebster Award! Girlfriend is so funny, has the most darling little girl, and has lots of easy and creative ideas for busy mamas. Check her out now, I promise every single post will leave you giggling at some point.
 I am so excited, I think this is such a fun opportunity to share a bit more about myself, as well as learn more about and engage other bloggers. As I become more involved in this little community, I am constantly blown away by all of the great ideas, advice, and support I receive. It really is the best and I am so glad it is something I took the chance to dive into!

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:
Thank the Blogger that nominated you in your post and link back to their site
Answer 11 questions from the Blogger that nominated you
Tell your readers 11 random facts about you
Nominate 11 Bloggers for the Liebster Awards
Ask your nominees to answer 11 questions
Questions From Jenn
What is your favorite ice cream? Ooooh I love it all. Coldstone creamery 'cookie doughn't you want some' with cake batter ice cream is to. die. for. I apologize if any of you become addicted as a result.
What is your drink of choice at Starbucks? Depending on season, either a hot or iced skinny caramel macchiato. I am going to have my first iced version of the spring very soon and it is always a monumental moment that leaves me so happy I pratically skip down the street!
If you could be any candy, what would you be and why? Obviously a Sour Patch Kid! I am sweet and sour, and the change can happen quickly ;-)
Who is your favorite Friends character!? (Please don’t tell me you don’t watch Friends!)Oh the shame I honestly don't really watch Friends! But I have always had a soft spot for Phoebe whenever I watch, love her quirkiness!
Favorite childhood memory? When I was five and my baby sister was born, I was brought to meet her, and my dad left with my brothers and I got to eat hospital food of my choice (which is exciting to a five year old) and hang out in the room with my mom and new sister. I remember loading my turkey sandwich with miracle whip, and feeling so special to be hanging out as 'the girls'. It is one of my first memories, and to this day girl time with those two is one of my absolute favorite things.
If you could only keep 5 material items for the rest of your life, what would they be? My cell phone, a picture of my family, a water bottle, my car (with a bottomless tank of gas), and my comfiest pair of jeans.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to!? 1950! I would love, love, love to go hang out in the 50's, drink soda at the local diner, and wear A-line gingham dresses. Sign me up!
Are you usually late, on time, or early? Usually I am slightly early. Unless it is a work conference call I really don't want to be on..then I may or may not sign in at the last minute..
Summer or winter? Summer, no question. Have you tried to spend a winter in Minnesota before? Ick.
What is your favorite thing to shop for? Clothing. For myself and my kiddos!
What is your favorite thing about blogging? All of the awesome ladies I have met, and the resources and connections those ladies have exposed me to!
11 Random Facts
1. I am 6 feet tall. I get a comment about it nearly every single day. 
2. Despite my height, growing up I was a dancer and a figure skater. No volleyball or basketball for this girl!
3. I have a serious sweet tooth, and could eat an entire pan of brownies every single day.
4. I am the mama to one little boy, and have another little man on the way, due in May!
5. My husband is six years older than me, but his love of sports and video games sometimes makes me feel like I am the older one.
6. When I was in elementary school, my body grew so fast that I had an 'extra' bone grow off of my tibia, and needed surgery to remove it.
7. I have a yellow gold engagement/wedding ring, and like to boast that I was all about the gold before it became the trend that it is now.
8. My name is spelled Mackensey, not Mackenzie, and never once has a person spelled it correctly.
9. Both sides of my family, and nearly all of my extended family, lives in the same town. We are small town, and I have no plans to ever leave.
10. Despite saying we would never build a husband and I are officially building a house this spring.
11. I live in a house full of boys, but I am all about pink, glitter, and rhinestones. I even had my son dress as Elvis this past Halloween and his costume was covered in sequins and bling. I get my sparkle fix wherever I can.

The Nominees
All of these ladies are awesome bloggers, and each has their own unique angle that makes their posts so fun to read. Whether it be home decor, fashion, or kid related topics, I always leave their blogs with new ideas and things I want to try!

Taylor at The Styled Press
Jacquelyn at The Low Country Mama
Darcy at A Memory Of Us
Amanda at Klein Dot Co
Owen at The Davis Duo

Questions For The Nominees:
1. What inspired you to start blogging?
2. What is your blogging 'niche'? What do you most enjoy writing about?
3. What is your favorite cocktail? What goes into it?
4. What do you do for a living outside of blogland?
5. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?
6. How would you spend an entire day off to yourself, where money isn't an object?
7. What was your favorite vacation ever?
8. What is your all-time favorite recipe?
9. What is your favorite place to shop?
10. Who is your celebrity crush?
11. What is one CD (old school I know) that you could listen to on repeat?

Thank you again to Jenn for the nomination, and congrats to all of the ladies nominated above! I can't wait to see what you all have to share and to learn a little bit more about you!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Easter Basket Ideas For Your Littles

Easter is just around the corner, I honestly cannot believe it is only two weeks away! This is the first year we will have a little who understands the 'toys' in his basket, and I cannot wait. He still really doesn't understand the concept of gifts, but sure as heck enjoys a new Hot Wheels car or something to color with. It's the simple things when you're 19 months old, and I am not complaining. Here are the items I plan to throw into Jackson's basket this year, and I know he is going to love it all!
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

Our little guy, for whatever reason, LOVES to throw his cups on the floor whenever he is done taking a drink. Probably one of his most frustrating habits, especially when it usually causes the straw in his cup to detatch or get messed up. Reviews have told me these cups are spill proof, and I like that they will help him learn to drink without a straw, without making a mess! 
We are planning to do swim lessons while I am on maternity leave, so of course we need a new pair of swim trunks. As always, Old Navy is where it is at and I am loving this adorable option.
For whatever reason, Jackson loves the Caroline Jayne Church books, something with the illustrations just captivates him. I know that as long as the pictures are consistent, he will love this book! And, now that the sidewalks are clear of snow and ice, investing in sidewalk chalk is a must! I cannot wait to spend long afternoons outside lounging and watching my little guy color.
Now that we have moved on from teething toys, I figured why not keep the Sophie trend alive with this color book!? I love the simplicity of it; in my opinion a lot of learning books can be information overload for littles trying to learn colors and objects for the first time. This seems like a great option to really start practicing our colors.
I have been, and still am, a baby pajama nut, and this spring is no exception. I think this little pair is absolutely adorable and perfect for the longer, sunny days ahead!
And finally, shame me if you must, but I am putting candy in Jackson's basket. And I will probably eat 98% of it. But if it is purchased for a child then it is justified and I just won't feel so bad about putting down a bag of my beloved Starburst Jellybeans ;-)

What do you all give in Easter baskets? Do you 'go big' or keep things simple?

**affiliate links used

 Linking up with Meg and Biana today!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Bumpdate: 30 Weeks

30 weeks, 30 weeks, 30 weeks! Some days drag, but for the most part I am baffled how I am already this far along in my pregnancy. We are officially 3/4 of the way done, and that due date is ticking closer and closer. Here's to hoping these next ten weeks fly by just as quickly!

How far along? 30 weeks
Gender: This question is beginning to feel a bit silly..unless there is the surprise of a lifetime waiting for us, this baby is all boy!
Total weight gain: I honestly haven't stepped on the scale this week. Safe bet would be 22-23 pounds. Maybe 50 after I indulged in pizza and a Shamrock Shake.
Maternity clothes? Some mixed in with mostly normal clothing.
Stretch marks? Not yet, but my skin has felt TIGHT lately, so the verdict is still out on how this one will go.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Not so good. I have just accepted that the pregnancy insomnia has made it's arrival, and sleep is something I won't be seeing much of any time soon. Fortunately I haven't really slept in two years thanks to another little boy, anyway, so I'm used to it.
Exercise: Runs. One of my feet hurts terribly this week, almost like it is bruised, so a few days off were definitely in order. But I got in a fabulous run outside in the 65 degree weather Monday, it was glorious!
Best moment this week:  Washing and organizing Jackson's old baby clothes and getting them into the dresser for our new little guy! Seeing them hang in the closet alongside Jackson's clothes now is almost funny..yet ridiculously heartbreaking at the same time. It is sad how quickly they grow.
Miss Anything? I am guessing it has something to do with the weather, but man oh man could I go for a fruity cocktail or hard cider right about now.
Movement: Lots, still up under my ribs where the dude loves to stick his feet.
Food cravings: Fruit, trail mix, and last weekend I was all about the brownies. Chocolate and me..we understand each other.
Symptoms: Insomnia, lower back pain, a little bit of certain 'lack of control', particular when sneezing or suddenly coughing. And a bit of reflux, which I never had before and am not liking! If I eat too much and then lay down to go to bed, any sort of burp runs the risk of food coming back up with it. Yuck! Oh, and this week brought the glorious return of middle of the night calf cramps, OUCH.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Labor Signs: None, but my research tells me part of reflux can be due to the body releasing relaxin, which means we are slowly but surely getting things in order for delivery in a few months!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but feeling emotional and just kind of 'bleh' this week 
Most Looking Forward To: I have started sorting out what I plan to bring to the hospital for baby (I am packing too soon versus not soon enough this time!) and cannot wait to get everything the little guy needs put together and to start imagining that when I open that bag up, he will be here!