
Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I am back at it for some confessions with Caitlin and Jess today.

I confess..

Adding to my list of pregnancy offenses, I licked the bowl after making cookies last weekend. I spoke with a coworker who is a registered dietician today though, and she told me that small amounts in the form of licking the bowl is fine. BOOM.

I found this watch on Neiman Marcus Last Call and am dying. I want it. But we are doing things like, you know, building a house and having a baby, so I really just can't justify buying a new watch, even if it is the steal of the century.

I am going to be launching a linkup with Jenn over at Crown Me In Glitter the first week of April! We are calling it 'Talk About It Tuesday' and it will be a place to dish about any one thing on your mind; a favorite new recipe, something that has been weighing heavy on your mind, a funny story, or maybe a fabulous sale that you know is going on. This will be a fun little way for us to share and focus on one thing that is going on in our lives lately in a bit more detail! Grab the image below and look out for the first day of the linkup on Tuesday, April 5th!
I am officially obsessed with Piko shirts. I now own five of them, and can't say that I will be stopping at that number. I may have a problem.

Even though it is cold in Minnesota this week, I am still wearing skirts and showing off my bare legs. Because I am pregnant and am so ridiculously sick of wearing leggings, and if spring is going to be temperamental, I am just going to force it.

The other night, Jackson soaked out of his diaper, got it all over his sheets, and needed to come into our bed because his wasn't usable. He proceeded to talk and SLAP us in the face for hours all through the night, and I was seconds away from bursting into tears and just driving away and sleeping in my car.

I am so excited and love this second child that I am carrying, but I honestly don't really think about him. I know he is there, I know he is healthy and growing, but I just don't feel like I have the time to sit around daydreaming about what he will be like. For now, I have one child and he keeps me busy and frazzled enough, so it is one less thing worrying about this child for the 9 months where I know he is absolutely safe and I am doing my job as a mom by simply being.

I never wanted to be a boy mom. I only ever imagined daughters. Now, while I would never dismiss the opportunity to have a little girl, I can't even wrap my mind around the concept and am so madly in love with the idea of having little boys.

That is about all for this week, can't wait to see what all you ladies have going on!


  1. I love my pikos! I get mine from an online boutique called The Rage. Just in case you need any more ;)

    1. Good to know! I am pretty obsessed with the main website, but always good to have multiple options!

  2. So excited for the new link up! That will be so fun for a Tuesday post. Also, I know what you mean about not being able to buy the watch--I felt so deprived while we were building our house because I couldn't buy myself anything!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. Can't wait for the linkup, I think it will be nice for what seems to be a 'slower' blog day! And yeah it is hard-you have to constantly remind yourself you are buying something AWESOME you just don't get to use it yet.

  3. Pikos foreverrrrr. And I always envisioned myself as a girl mom, too, but now that I have a little boy, I can't imagine it any other way!

    1. Seriously the lovin that comes with being a boy mom is unreal; queens of the house!

  4. Will you send a reminder about the link up on Tuesday April 5th to interested parties? I ALWAYS forget about link ups but when I get an email, I remember.

    I totally licked the bowl and spoon after making brownies... and I'm pregnant too haha. Thanks for linking up~

    1. Yes I will try to do that! I will post about it once or twice more leading up to it, too :-)

      Hopefully my dietician friend's advice alleviated any bowl licking guilt you might have been having!
