
Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Favorites

Hello ladies, and hello Friday! This week has been quite the doozy. Between adjusting to daylights savings, coupled with three straight mornings of needing to be up and at 'em for work by beginning my office time at 6am (which my body thought was 5am) this mama is tired. I may or may not have gone to work without doing my hair yesterday. At least I brought a ponytail so I could throw it in a top knot. Sometimes sleep>professionalism, am I right? I am excited for the weekend, we really don't have anything big planned but I know that for the next few months, we are going to be SO busy so I am not complaining about a slow weekend!
Lots of long days this week means a few hours of work from home this morning..this little image always makes me laugh, it's so true!

1. House Progress
This week was a big one for our home building process. We signed a contract with our builder (so they are stuck with us now!) and did all of the fun bank things that you have to do so they will let us move forward. All documents have been signed and sent off, so now is basically a waiting day until we are able to break ground, which should be about four weeks from now! I can't believe it's finally happening! Sometimes Mike and I stop and just get giddy thinking about how things will be six months from now. New house, new baby boy, watching football on the couch in our new living room looking out over the pond in our backyard..someone pinch me! I have been driving by our lot quite a bit lately, now I know what the house is going to look like and if I squint hard enough I swear I can see what it is going to look like! Have any of you ladies built before? I am thinking a post on what I have learned through this process so far is definitely in order..there is SO MUCH that goes into building, especially if it is a custom build like we are doing!
Home sweet home..coming August 5th, 2016 or sooner (so the contract tells me!)
2. Big Boy Bed 
So listen, my little boy is the sweetest, happiest guy, I could just eat him up most of the time. But OY, he is about the worst sleeper, EVER. We were making some progress a month or so ago, then BAM he cut all four molars and came down with influenza A and croup all in the same week. So, he spent a solid week coming straight to bed with us, in large part because we were afraid to leave him alone with his high fevers and barking cough. Then during the second week he was still totally not 100%, so as soon as he so much as whimpered we scooped him up and brought him to bed. We didn't mind, and the extra snuggles were nice and necessary. But now we are paying the price of 100% going backwards and have a 19 month old who wants nothing more than to sleep between mom and dad all night, every night. The one way we could get him to (sometimes) stay in his room was by laying next to him on his crib (we took down the front rail a few months ago). But, now this mama is over 7 months pregnant and cannot handle laying on a crib mattress, so last weekend we went and purchased a twin mattress, borrowed a bed frame from my sister in law, and bought a few new sheets. This week has been rough, and baby has ended up in our bed still, but last night, aside from me going in to lay with him once around midnight, he stayed in his room ALL NIGHT! I have my fingers and toes crossed we are able to finally turn a corner here. And hopefully now that if we need to we can lay on something that actually semi-supports our backs, we will be better about not bringing him into our bed!

I know I have mentioned these before, but I made them the past two weekends in a row, and am working hard to tell myself not to make them again this weekend. They are so good, easy to make, and the little bit of extra effort versus a box mix is SO worth it. As a brownie lover, I can tell you these are the best I have ever made.  

4. Slip On Shoes

Is anyone else so excited to finally be wearing shoes that aren't boots!? I purchased these at the buy one get one half off sale at Target, and have already worn them tons! They are so comfy and cute, and you cannot beat the price! Target wins again 

5. Chino Pants
 I am on the hunt for a fun, colorful pair of chino pants for this summer! This style from the Gap has me doing all the heart eyes,  and these are another great option. These are another option that comes in tall, so I totally have my eye on them. I cannot wait for baby to get here, so I feel like I can actually start shopping for real clothes again!

Have a fabulous weekend ladies, can't wait to see what everyone else is up to!


  1. Happy Weekend.

  2. Congrats on finalizing everything for your home building - that's huge!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Thank you, we are so excited! Hope you have a great weekend as well!

  3. I'm trying to find pants and shoes in general..we are still in the in between in MD and I'm not liking it. Not to mention snow is predicted Sunday. New to your blog but I'm excited to see what happens with that gorgeous piece of land! Congratulations :)


    1. Funny you should say is in the 30's and has been snowing all day :-( Nothing is sticking but definitely not what I want to see after having temps in the 60's last week! It will be spring soon enough :-)

  4. We built our house about 10 years ago and honestly, I don't remember much. :( I was SO sick with morning sickness that I begged my husband to pick out most of the stuff lol. Thankfully he did an amazing job! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank goodness I am past the morning sickness, it should be interesting being under construction when we bring home our baby too! Sometimes it helps just to hear other people survived the whole process, though :-)

  5. That first quote.. HAHA! That is hilarious. Congratulations on the home.. that is so exciting!

    1. Isn't it too funny! One day I just might do that when someone tells me to have a good day. And thank you, I am eager to share the process with my readers too, there is SO much to learn through the whole process!

  6. Congrats on starting the process of building your new home! I bet it will be so much fun to customize it and pick out everything yourselves!

    1. Oh you have no idea how excited I am to pick stain colors for our kitchen, and to have a refrigerator with french doors! It will be worth the stress for sure :-)

  7. YES! a post about home building! definitely! We have almost pulled the trigger a few times on wanting to build, but I chicken out! Neeeeeeed to know the process! Happy Friday, friend!

    1. I totally have a few things in the works-it is the most exciting and exhausting process, there is so much that you don't know until you dive into it!

  8. We drove by our lot, too when we first bought it! Watching it go up and being in on the building process is fun--but a lot to take in!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. I CANNOT wait to see it become more than just a piece of land..I already feel connected to the house and it doesn't even exist yet :-)
