
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bumpdate: 31 Weeks

Happy Thursday ladies! Just like that, another week down, and we are that much closer to meeting our second baby boy. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, I got a little matchy-matchy for this week's photo. I can't drink green beer, and my waistline really doesn't need lucky charm bars (as much as I want them), so this is about as much as this 0% Irish girl gets into the holiday spirit! 
Dress (old, similar styles here and here)
How far along? 31 Weeks
Gender: Baby boy!
Total weight gain: Still haven't stepped on a scale, will do that again next Friday! So from my last appointment, 21+, probably 23-24.
Maternity clothes? Still mostly getting by with the stretchy section of my regular wardrobe.
Stretch marks? Not yet! Using my baby belly bar every single day.
Belly button in or out: In but getting more flat by the day
Sleep: Terrible. Insomnia has kicked in full force, and Jackson just hates sleeping if he isn't laying on top of me or trying to eat my hair (gross, I know).
Exercise: Yep! Still running and feeling good.
Best moment this week: Best and scariest moment was officially signing off on our builder, kicking off our home building process! Now fingers crossed everything with the bank goes through as quickly as possible!
Miss Anything? This past week I have really been craving a cold, fruit cocktail. And sleep, as per usual.
Movement: Lots of little feet pushing out on my right side, pretty much at all times!
Food cravings: Brownies, fruit, fizzy drinks, cold and fresh foods have been good lately!
Symptoms: Insomnia, braxton hicks, pelvic pressure, leg cramps, and feeling some swelling this week. Mostly this is noticeable only because I get paranoid if my wedding ring feels even remotely tight!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Riding on a coach bus to a work event. I may have rode home with a coworker who drove seperately..I get so carsick SO easy!
Labor Signs: No, but definitely staying as in tune as possible with pelvic pressure..I have had way more this entire pregnancy than I did the first time, so I am trying to be careful to know when to rest and take it down a notch.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week, lots of exciting stuff happening! 
Looking forward to: This one is probably going to get repetitive, but getting to make fun decisions for our house! Mama can't wait to have a new refrigerator!


  1. cant wait to hear new house plans. my heart pitter patters at the thought of building a new house!

    1. I am excited to share, the day I post pics of the ground breaking please know I was probably peeing my pants I was so excited! At least I can blame the pregnancy for that one still ;-)

  2. Aww so exciting! Happy 31 weeks! We are 19 weeks and counting! :) xo

    1. Congratulations to you! Almost halfway there, hope you are feeling great mama!

  3. You look great! I absolutely love your dress too!

    liz @ j for joiner

    1. Thanks so much, it is actually non-maternity and from Target! The styles lately make it SO much easier to dress a bump!

  4. Brownies sound like an excellent craving!

    1. Excellent, and dangerous ;-) It is far too easy for me to put down an entire pan in one weekend..
