
Friday, March 25, 2016

Bumpdate: 32 Weeks

We are 4/5 done, 8 months along, or 56 days from our due date. But who is counting, right? ;-) While I am beginning to reach that point of being ready to be 'done', we also have SO much to do in the coming months that I sometimes forget how soon our family is going to be changing into something new. Going as close to full term as possible also increases the possibility that I will still be on maternity leave when the day comes to move into our new house, and I love the idea of having the opportunity to get settled and organize while having a week or two off of work. Of course all of that is out of my hands, but the OCD planner in me can organize and plan anyway, right?!

The most adorable big brother crashed this week's bumpdate!

How far along? 32 weeks
Gender: little man
Total weight gain: official weigh in at my appointment today, but I think I am at about 25-26 pounds according to the bathroom scale. Yikes! I am still totally on track to be within the healthy range for weight gain, but some weeks it feels like those pounds tack on no matter how healthy I eat or how active I am!
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still lots of regular clothes. A nice little mix focused mostly on what is most comfortable!
Stretch marks? None yet.
Belly button in or out: In, but getting closer and closer to being flat
Sleep: Bad, bad, bad. Insomnia and Jackson's sleep habits are still totally kicking my butt. I keep hoping that he can get onto SOME sort of schedule before the baby is born, because if it continues as it is with the addition of a newborn, I literally will not. sleep. ever. again.
Exercise: Still running! The bump is still manageable and I am comfortable when I run, which makes me feel very lucky.
Best moment this week: Well, we bought our kitchen appliances for our new house! And I never thought a refrigerator would make me so happy. I predict I will stand in front of it just admiring all of the space when we move.
Miss Anything? Beer, a nice cold malibu diet, and sleep.
Movement: Lots, but I feel like he might be slowing down a bit. Starting to transition from lots of little jabs and kicks to less frequent, big rolls and movements.
Food cravings: Anything with sugar, fruits, still diet pepsi. No major cravings lately, though.
Symptoms: Insomnia, a little bit of lower back pain, some pelvic pressure. I have also noticed if I lay flat on my back I am starting to get light headed and need to re-position. That never really happened with my first pregnancy, so it is an adjustment feeling like laying on my back isn't an option!
Anything making you queasy or sick: A little bit if I lay on my back.
Labor Signs: Nope, definitely lots of braxton hicks happening though.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: In the middle this week. SOO tired and feeling antsy in general this week.
Looking Forward To: Easter this weekend! I am thinking we need to put together an Easter Egg hunt for Jackson, and I can't wait to eat some good food, enjoy church, and just relax. 

If you haven't yet, today is the final day to enter my giveaway for a $75 gift card to PinkBlush! They carry both maternity and non-maternity items, so all ladies should totally enter! Winner will be announced on Monday!


  1. Yay for getting kitchen appliances!! Love your cute photobomber too : )

    1. Thank you! It is my favorite bumpdate so far, he is my favorite little model :-) And you know you are grown up when new appliances feel like Christmas!

  2. I craved Pepsi my entire 3rd was bad. And I normally don't even like Pepsi! You look great!

    stopping by from Friday Favorites
