
Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekending: Our Easter

Happy Monday everyone! Of course, there is really not much to feel happy about on the Monday following a holiday weekend. I have meetings throughout the day and an event that will have me working a 12 hour day today, so I just woke up telling myself that once I get through today the rest of the week will seem easy. Right!?

Friday was a short work day, and on Friday evening all of my brother and sisters in law came over for a fish fry. LOVE fish frys, and Jackson gobbled up more fish than I ever imagined he would. Hilarious because his dad will not touch fish with a ten foot pole, and he is such a picky little eater, that to see him love it so much was crazy. But good, at least it's one more thing we know he will eat!

Saturday was a lazy day. It consisted of lounging, TV watching, and lots of playing with our little guy. We dyed eggs in the afternoon, and Jackson had a BLAST trying to stick the eggs in and out of the water, as well as half of his hand. The staining was hilarious and looked like a terrible tanline because he did it in the red water.
We decided that our best course of action regarding Easter church service was to go to vigil on Saturday night, so we left for 8pm service and didn't get home until after 10. For anyone who knows us, you also know that we are usually getting ready for bed at 8pm (no not joking) so it was a late night for us by the time we got to sleep!

On Sunday Jackson was up bright and early, and really could care less about his Easter basket. A child after my own heart, he did immediately reach in, grab a Cadbury Caramel egg, and try to eat it foil and all. Hilarious, because that is pretty much exactly what I always did too; those things are too good!

We met my family for brunch late morning, and ate way more than we needed to. Jackson was more focused on running up and down the hotel stairs and towards the arcade and pool than he was on eating. Brunching with a toddler is exhausting.

The rest of the day Mike's family was over, so it was games, going for a walk, and just hanging out. We went on an Easter egg hunt after Jackson's afternoon nap, and he was more interested in running down the hill in the yard than anything else. When he did stumble across an egg, his first objective was to open it up and grab the candy out of it. #somychild

We capped off the night with The Walking Dead, and OH MY I am already so nervousexcited for next week's season finale I can hardly stand it.

And, in other exciting news, the winner of the Pink Blush gift card is...Jennie B! Congratulations girly, I have sent off your info and you should be hearing from them with your gift card soon! :-)

Linking up with Meg and Biana today!


  1. Aren't you so excited that next Easter you'll be in your own house?! Looks like you had a fun Easter (and fish fry) this year!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. Oh my goodness - I can only imagine that brunching with a toddler is exhausting!! So glad you had a great Easter! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Oh my gosh! What a cutie! Love sleeping kiddos in the car! So sweet! Happy Monday! Xo

  4. How fun to dye the eggs!! I used to love that!

  5. Jackson looked SO cute in his Easter outfit. I am seriously about to throw up with anxiety over The Walking Dead. It's so stressful to watch! So excited for Sunday's finale, but nervous as well!
