
Thursday, January 28, 2016

24 Week Bumpdate and Pregnancy Favorites

Happy Friday all! Considering that I hit my 'weekly milestone' on Friday every week, it seems like the day that makes the most sense to do my bumpdates. However, this also often means forgoing my Friday Favorites, which just isn't any fun! So, I figured for the next few months, why not combine the two and focus my favorites around pregnancy! Let's be real, any lady out there who has been pregnant knows that there are lots of random, helpful, and fun favorites that you stumble across during the glorious 9 months of baby incubation. I think it will be fun to look back and remember how the favorites evolve and change throughout the 9 months, too!
Top (non maternity) // Tank (non maternity) // Leggings (non maternity)

How far along?  24 weeks
Gender: Baby boy! 
Total weight gain: Based on my home scale/gym scale, about 15 pounds. I checked my records from the clinic for my last pregnancy and I was at exactly 15 pounds at 24 weeks that go around too! This must be the month of pregnancy where I eat my feelings..
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mostly just getting by on stretchy and non-form fitting regular clothes. I don't 'need' to wear maternity clothes yet, sometimes they are just more comfortable! Noticed this week that my leggings definitely felt tight around the top, which was just depressing. Still fitting, just not how I like. Baggy sweaters and flowy shirts continue to be where it's at for me.
Stretch marks? Nope! Definitely growing more this time (or so it seems) so we will see how that one pans out.
Belly button in or out: In 
Sleep: We had a night this week where Jackson actually slept in his bed until 5am, which has been practically unheard of over the past few months, so that was awesome! Otherwise, not too bad, and I have managed to hold off on getting up to use the bathroom as much as possible.
Exercise: Still going strong! I have been running about 3 days a week still, and am hopeful that once the weather warms up a bit I can increase that by going on walks/runs during the week as well!
Best moment this week: Eating my absolute favorite grilled cheese and tomato soup on Wednesday. You know you're pregnant when your weekly highlight is food.
Miss Anything? My work wardrobe! It is sad to have so many cute clothes hanging there that I really can't wear and instead feeling frumpy at work every day.
Movement: Still lots of moving and shaking going on. The movements have gone from the belly flutters to legitimate kicks and jabs, particularly on my right side. Fingers crossed the little guy isn't too hard on my ribs as he continues to grow.
Food cravings: Mike and Ikes, or any chewy, fruity candy. Ice cream. Still Cheez Its. Spaghetti and cheese bread. I am trying really hard to clean up my eating after a month of basically giving into every craving that came my way. 
Symptoms: Just overall pressure that is definitely a new experience this round of pregnancy. Braxton hicks. Nothing too major this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, give me all the food.
Labor Signs: No.  
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Just a little stressed this week, but we have a lot going on, so I would be stressed anyway! No spontaneous tears this week, so I consider that a win!
Looking forward to: Seeing my little guy on the ultrasound today!!!

Pregnancy Favorites at 24 weeks!

1. Baby Belly Bar

I have only been able to find this item on Amazon, but I cannot say enough about how great it is. It is in solid form, so you just rub it all over your belly, without leaving excess on hour hands. It is thick, and 24 hours after applying I can still feel the moisturizing effects on my skin. It is heaven sent when you reach that itchy belly point of pregnancy, which is right where I am sitting. This will be with me at all times for the next sixteen weeks.

2. Bath and Body Works aromatheraphy scrubs

These are on sale right now for only $8 a piece, plus there is a 20% off coupon floating around out there, so run and grab one (or five!) This is another great product once your belly really starts growing. I use it in the shower 2-3 times per week, and it smells incredible, sloughs off dead, itchy skin, and leaves behind moisturizing oils that nourish your skin. I used these in the end of my pregnancy with Jackson, and am definitely using them again now!

3. Mike and Ikes. 

Fruity, chewy sweetness is all that I want lately. I just discovered the italian ice Mike and Ikes, and am obsessed. Which is not good for my pregnancy weight gain.. It doesn't necessarily have to be Mike and Ikes. Skittles, Starburst jelly beans, basically if it is sweet and chewy, I want it. So delicious. I may have spent a week with a box of Mike and Ikes besides the bed so I could have a handful in the middle of the night when I woke up starving..

4. Healthy Mama prenatal vitamins

I found these at Target, and love that it all comes in one package. These also don't make me as sick as other vitamins have, which is a total plus. My doctor recommend I take a calcium/Vitamin D3 supplement, and this vitamin pack is one of the few I have found that has that included, so I can stop taking those fruit chews that make me sick to my stomach. Totally love this product.

5. Old Navy go dri leggings. 

These aren't maternity, and I don't know if they will last through my entire pregnancy. But, first and foremost they come in tall (happy dance for me!), second they are highwaisted, with a thick panel so a thin band isn't cutting into you mid-bump. And third, they are thick, warm, and ten times more durable than all of my other leggings. I bought two pairs, and am having to ration when I wear them, because realistically I would love to wear these to work every single day. They are fabulous, and will be great once pregnancy has ended, too!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!

First off, can I get a HALLELUJAH that it is the final week of January!? I hate to admit that I wish a month of the year away..but I do. There is just nothing to like about January, in my opinion. Ugh. That's not to say there haven't been little peaks and highlights this month, but I am ready to trade in winter for warmer temps..heck, I'll even take temps in the 40's at this point! ;-)

What we're eating this week

We nommed on spaghetti on Monday night, which has majorly been a pregnancy craving this go around. Spaghetti and garlic cheese bread sounds good at all times. And tonight I am making tomato soup and the best grilled cheese ever. You guys, once you make this, no other grilled cheese will do!

What I'm reminiscing about

I am totally just reminiscing on better weather. Isn't it funny how we are so excited for the seasons to change, but get so sick of the seasons after awhile? Totally daydreaming about breezy spring days, blooming flowers, and going on evening walks with my little guy.

What I'm loving

Mike and Ikes. Yet another pregnancy craving. Basically any fruity, chewy candy is my jam lately. I am also loving Adele's newest song? Have you guys heard it? If I could have one superpower, it would be to have a singing voice like Adele's. Because that is what it is, a superpower.

What we've been up to

Unfortunately, house stuff lately. And possibly switching builders. So, not fun house stuff. We have hit one of those road bumps (which realistically I knew we would) but it has definitely been consuming our free time and thoughts lately. I will be one very happy lady once that floor plan is finalized and the ground is broken!

What I'm dreading

The rest of the work week. HA! That's kind of sad isn't it. I have had a busy couple of weeks, but the remainder of this week is quiet with little to nothing going on. I go a little stir crazy when I don't get to leave my desk all day. Will most likely be running to get my groceries on my lunch break because I struggle when I don't get a chance of scenery!

What I'm working on

House plans! Team effort with me and my husband, but definitely our biggest and most important project right now. Oh, I am baking a baby, too ;-) just about 24 weeks and he is definitely making his presence known in the past week or two!

What I'm excited about

Valentine's Day! I am not a huge romantic, I don't go all out with flowers and hearts and candy. But I love a good excuse to bake holiday themed treats, and want to make every holiday now that I have kids as special and magical as possible.

What I'm watching/reading

Still on our O.C. kick. We are halfway through the third season, so will probably wrap it all up in the next month or so. It is amazing how TV time becomes practically nonexistent once you have a little one. Long gone are our marathon Netflix binges on weekends. We are lucky to get in more than one episode of anything at a time!

What I'm listening to

See above. All hail Adele. Unlike most ladies, I am holding strong and refusing to give into the Bieber Fever now that he has rebranded himself and all. I just can't.

What I'm wearing

Baggy sweaters. Leggings. Sweater dresses. And yoga pants. Hidden beneath a puffy jacket, boots, and blanket scarves. Pregnant in January is not my favorite. But at least it is cozy.

What I'm doing this weekend

I have my 24 week appointment this Friday, and can't wait to see my little guy on the ultrasound! We also have my grandpa's 75th birthday party, and likely lots of discussing and figuring out house things. And since it is winter and there isn't much else to do..I will be baking and eating said baked treats.

What I'm looking forward to next month

I have a work conference in Minneapolis, and since Mike commutes every day and I will have a hotel for two nights, I think he will just be staying with me. We haven't taken a trip just the two of us since our honeymoon, and while this definitely isn't a 'trip', I am excited to be lazy in a hotel room, go out to dinner with no deadline of when we have to be home, and just enjoy a few nights of quiet. I think we need it! And I'm sure my in-laws won't mind a quiet house with us gone and Jackson with my parents, either ;-)

What else is new

Not a whole lot, I am just doing a happy dance we all survived the longest month of the year! Bring on February, a bit more sunshine, and Shamrock shakes!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekending: A Little Winter Sledding

And just like that, we are back at in on Monday. Except for everyone out east, who is still snowed in, I hear. No such luck here in the Midwest, but it is snowing steadily all day today, making for slick roads and snow covered shoes. On the plus side, it makes for some pretty scenery. I am all ready for spring though; winter, you can leave any time!

This weekend was low key, as most of our winter weekends seem to be. It is just not the easiest feat to travel anywhere with a toddler that requires extensive bundling up and carrying when it is cold and slippery outside! On Friday, I came into town for a work meeting, but had the rest of the day off. Over the holidays, a snowplow drove by and damaged three cars parked on the street, including ours (and then drove away, so we can't justify our case to get our deductible covered despite the one hundred pictures, and, you know, police report...) so we dropped Jackson off with my parents, Mike dropped me off at the gym, and then he took our car in to get checked out. We got home in time to put the little guy down for his nap, and that was about the excitement of our afternoon. We did head back in to my parents for dinner to celebrate my grandpa's 75th birthday, it is always so nice to see my siblings and relatives. When we sang 'Happy Birthday' everyone watched Jackson, who was just entertained beyond belief. I apologized to my grandpa for Jackson hijacking his 'moment', but considering him and my grandma were taking part in the Jackson watching, I don't think he minded too much ;-) Little man clapped at the end and just thought it was the best. It got me excited (and heartbroken) thinking about his 2nd birthday party next summer, I am not one to wish away time but these events are becoming more and more fun as he starts to realize what is going on!

On Saturday, I snuck away to the gym, and ran some errands afterwards in town while dad and the little guy hung out at home. I grabbed these booties on sale at Target on a whim, and I am loving them! The heel is 1.5 inches, which is perfect as it gives a little lift, without putting my 6 foot tall head up in the clouds ;-) I also managed to grab a pair of little boots for Jax for $6! I mean, how do you pass that up!? After a quick swing through Sam's Club for a stockpile of fresh fruit, I made my way home. I enjoyed a quiet, event-free long nap time from the little guy, which is so nice, as some days I would literally PAY to just have an hour of silence by myself.
I had been wanting to get outside, but it was just a bit too cold, so I made some cloud dough and Jackson went to town. He played in it for a solid hour, and was in no rush to stop. I was able to get him away with the promise of more play in the bathtub, but I think it is safe to say we have found a new (and messy) activity to pass the cold days cooped up inside!

For dinner we decided to pretend it isn't winter, and had grilled burgers, corn on the cob, and asparagus. It it the spot, and made me feel like I wasn't in snowy Minnesota for a few minutes. Dessert was an orange dreamsicle box mix cake that Mike has had and been wanting to make for MONTHS, so he was pretty proud of that ;-)

Sunday I managed to get to the gym again (3 days in a row woop woop!), and tried homemade baked doughnuts with the help of my nephew. The turned out pretty, but the glaze was off. That being said, I will totally use the actually doughnut recipe again, but definitely try another glaze the next time. I used my doughnut pan that I scooped up at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and was surprised by how easy it was to actually make them. I will definitely be using some of the recipes saved to my Pinterest soon!

After nap time, we snuck outside for some sledding, as it was FINALLY a weekend where the temps weren't below zero. Jackson had an absolute blast and was giggling like crazy the entire time. He loves loves the snow and gets so excited when he sees his snowpants and boots. This mama realized she definitely needs to invest in a pair of snow boots, though. My black zipper dress boots from Target won't cut it for more than a few snow adventures..

Mike and I capped off the evening with an episode of the O.C., and called it a night. Back at it this week, but I have another ultrasound on Friday and I am dying to see my little guy #2 again! Have a great week everyone, it's the last of January! :-)

Linking up with Meg and Biana today!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Bumpdate: 22/23 Weeks

Even though this past weekend was super lazy, work has been busy and I totally missed taking a chalkboard pic for week 22. By the time it crossed my mind, I was coming up on 23 weeks and it seemed silly to do, so this week is a combined post! I must say, I feel like my belly tripled in size over the past week or so, it is crazy! I am still not big by any means, but this pregnancy is definitely more noticeable than my first one was at this point!

How far along?  23 weeks exactly.
Gender: Baby boy!
Total weight gain: Will weigh in again next Friday at my 24 week appointment, but I am thinking in the 12 pound range? This usually depends on if I indulged in cravings the day before stepping on the scale..I literally feel HUGE this week!
Maternity clothes? Some. My regular jeans have pretty much been retired, but still wearing mostly leggings and big comfy sweaters. I am dying for it to warm up so I can just wear maxi dresses and skirts, but I know that is unfortunately a solid two months away.
Stretch marks? No, but my belly is super itchy this week so I have definitely been using my baby belly bar!
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Decent. I have been trying really hard to get Jackson out of our bed this week, so that has meant when he wakes at night laying next to him in his room while he falls back asleep. I am proud he is *hopefully* making progress, but I am definitely tired!
Exercise: When I can! Some runs over the weekend, and hopefully I will get some in this weekend too!
Best moment this week: Finally breaking the below zero cold streak!
Miss Anything? Already missing normal pants. It's gonna be a long two months waiting for dress weather.
Movement: Lots! Getting stronger by the day too, and starting to feel it in distinct locations that are not particularly comfortable.
Food cravings: Cheez its all day. Rice krispies. I have been loving grapefruit this week, too.
Symptoms: Definitely feeling and noticing Braxton Hicks. Total TMI but after a whole month of being 100% dry from nursing Jackson, I once again am seeing colostrum super early. Looks like I will have another baby with more milk than he could possible need..
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really!
Labor Signs: No.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very up and down this week. Mama needs some sunshine and a nice long walk outside I think. Cabin fever is setting in early this year!
Looking forward to: I have another ultrasound next week, and am hoping the little guy is more cooperative and gives us a good shot of his face this time! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I haven't done a confessions post in awhile, but they are just good for the soul sometimes, am I right!? Not that I have a lot in particular to complain about lately, but do I have lots of thoughts constantly running through my mind? Yes.

I hate winter. Big shocker there, right? Really though, despite living in Minnesota I do not snowmobile, do not enjoy sledding (because in order to sled down you must walk up, and that's too much work), do not ice fish, do not ski, the list goes on. Basically, I do zero winter activities. Snow and cold just are not fun when you do nothing to take advantage of them. And also, -20 below zero temperatures? It is just plain wrong.

I also really don't like summer. Okay, I like early summer, where you have temps in the 70's but it still gets kind of chilly at night. But that hot, muggy, mosquito filled 90 degree stuff? No thank you! I seriously need to find a place that is 70 degrees and breezy with no bugs all year long.

Getting into blogging has made me realize I probably should live in the south (which obviously contradicts my dislike of summer). The monogrammed clothing, the Chick Fil A and Dunkin Donuts, the weekends spent by the pool, and just the hospitality and traditional aspects are totally up my alley. I would move, but despite disliking it here, I kind of like it here.

I have never watched The Bachelor, but I have decided I am going to try it out this season, if only to have an hour every week that is set aside for myself, where Mike puts Jax to bed, and I can sit on the couch and indulge in garbage reality television without someone else trying to steal the remote.

I really need to watch/cut back on my spending, but it is sooo hard. Especially when we are so cooped up due to the cold and really all I can do in my free time is binge watch my favorite shows and shop online. Oh, and Groop Dealz. Bad news for my bank account.

I have always prided myself on not being pulled into 'brand name', but lately I have had a major itch for a Kate Spade purse. And I am in love with Michael Kors watches. After getting one for Christmas a year ago I have never looked back, and I am plotting my next one. This one and this one are at the top of my list, I just need to find a time and price point where I can justify the splurge.

Every time I shop, a voice in the back of my head (or maybe it is my husband's voice..) chimes in and says 'remember sweetie, in approximately five months you will be building a new house that needs to be furnished from top to bottom'. New shoes, or new mantel decor? #firstworldproblems

I need to break Jackson of some habits, but have no idea how. He comes into our bed every night. He still requires being rocked to sleep. And this is all going to be a rough go of it once baby S makes his arrival in May. In part I tell myself that life happens and eventually Jackson will just figure it out, but part of me is terrified that his two month old brother will be sleeping through the night, and I will still be rocking my nearly two year old to sleep. I also admit that I adore the time we spend rocking together, and my absolute favorite moment of the day is watching his perfect little face in those first few minutes of sleep in my arms every night.

I am addicted to Cheez Its. My coworker's husband works for Kraft and she brings in lots of snacks all of the time, and lately it has been provolone Cheez Its. I cannot stop eating them. And I have never liked them before. I would call this my most definite and ridiculous pregnancy craving to date.

I cannot keep plants alive. I have one on my desk that I desperately try to keep alive, and it is still kicking, but not looking too good. I try to do everything right, but they just die. Lord help the garden that my husband wants to put in at our new house.

As I expected, I hate dressing for pregnancy in the winter. With Jackson, I wore cute maxi skirts and dresses every day, and was so so comfy. This time around, I have two pairs of nice maternity pants that I bought, but that only covers 2/5 of the work week. Other days, I wear leggings with long sweaters, sweater dresses and tights, and that is about it. And, I feel frumpy and HUGE when I wear the dresses because I feel like they accentuate everything. I am crossing my fingers for an early, warm spring so that I can spend the last month of my pregnancy in my comfy dresses and skirts again.

I am sad that I won't be able to bring my baby home to a 'home'. Our house will likely be under construction, and I will gladly bring him on tours and promise him that I am giving him his own room, but for the first three or so months of his life, baby will be sharing big brother's closet (which is currently overrun with mom and dad's clothes) and sleeping in a bassinet in our room. I am already planning out his nursery for the new house, but it does make me sad that I won't be able to get it all ready and go in there before he is born and just get excited for his arrival.

I never want a dog. I always thought I would for sure have a dog, but since living with my in-laws who have two indoor dogs, I literally can't. One growls at my baby constantly, the other sneaks into my baby's bedroom and pees on his carpet whenever she has the opportunity. Needless to say, I don't think Jax is high on their list of favorite people. Also, dogs eat dirty diapers, so there's that.

I am in a major work slump. I have a lot going on outside of work, and it is all fun and exciting stuff that makes it easy to care less about work in the first place. And when you need for maternity leave that is four months away, leaving isn't an option, so my only chance of utilizing my MBA anytime before next fall is basically if the perfect opportunity within my organization would open up and be willing to work with a very pregnant lady about to take 12 weeks off. Patience is clearly not my friend.

I am thinking I need to do these posts more often, because I clearly have a lot of confessions, and this isn't even half of them!

I can't wait to see what everyone else is up to today! Linking up with HollyJenn, and Jessi!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Weekending: The Old Navy Winter Clearance Sale!

Happy Monday everyone! While I like to do weekend recaps, sadly there is nearly nothing to recap this weekend. That will happen when the weather doesn't get above negative five degrees, your baby keeps everyone up all night, and it is the month of January. So, in more exciting news, I thought I would bring some of my favorite finds over at Old Navy right now. This entire week, they are offering free shipping on all orders over $25, and through the end of today, an additional 30% off of everything. And it includes clearance, which they don't do very often! Some of the deals are so good, it is ridiculous. Head over there quick, some of the items literally sell out from my cart before I have the chance to purchase!

I am loving this peacoat, I am thinking about spring and how cute this will be as a transition piece once we are able to pack away our thick winter down jackets ;-) It comes in regular, petite, and tall, but act fast because sizes are selling out! You guys, this comes out at less than $14, you can't beat that kind of a deal!

I have mentioned this shirt before, and received mine last week, and am absolutely loving it. I ordered the light wash, and think it will be great for both layering as well as thrown on over a tank top once it is a big warmer outside. And again, that price! You can't beat the sale at O.N.

I think that this cocoon sweater looks so ridiculously comfortable, and I love the soft, light color. This would look adorable thrown over a t-shirt and leggings, and would also be great to throw on at the office when it gets chilly.

For those of you looking to hop on the bootie trend this year but not ready to commit to a steeper price tag, these are a great option. I love the suede look, the low heel, and the color options. There are plenty of other booties on the website besides these, and I seriously love them all. And with the discount, most of them will come out at right around $30!

As I sit in the joyfully awkward stage of pregnancy where maternity clothes are way too big but my normal clothes aren't cutting it (which is the stage I seem to sit in for the entire second trimester...) I decided to try out these compression leggings, which come in tall, can I get a hallelujah, amen!? A lot of the reviews say they definitely have a casual enough look that they work outside of the gym too, and the high waist is great for avoiding a muffin top (or cutting off a baby bump, mid-bump!) Maybe these will help motivate me to start running outside once it warms up a bit, too! If you are looking for a little bit more spice in your athletic wardrobe, this is a similar legging in super fun patterns!
Continuing with the active wear is this top, which I already own in both gray and pink and love. It is so comfy, great for working out in cooler weather, and also great for throwing on over a tank with jeans for running errands. I love the moisture wicking material that O.N. uses. Their athletic line really can't be beat for the quality and price that they deliver.

These adorable pants are high on my list. They aren't maternity, so no rocking these for awhile for me, but how perfect would these be to wear to work during the spring and summer months!? During these dreary winter months, I absolutely love a good pastel and fun color.
Another item that totally has me thinking spring is this t-shirt dress. I have purchased these from O.N. before and love them, and I am crazy for the print on this one. Add a jean jacket, some sunglasses, and an iced coffee and you have all the makings of a great spring day ;-)
The final item from the sale making my 'spring wishlist' is this scarf. It is lightweight, a gorgeous color, and will make a great accessory on those chilly spring days where a little added warmth goes a long way!
Did anyone else find some killer deals at the sale this weekend, or plan on hitting it up today!? While I hate to see the sale end, I also can't wait to see the new spring items that will be coming out any day!

Linking up with Meg and Biana today!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday everyone! I am especially excited about this Friday because I have a few short hours to work in the morning from home, and I have the rest of the day free! Sometimes, working long days during the week is totally worth it when a super laidback Friday is your reward :-) I am doing my best lately to limit my spending, but that doesn't mean there aren't some things that I am still loving lately, that won't break the bank!

I just received these stud earrings this week.
You guys, these are practically free, they are so cheap. I have multiple pairs of the BP stud earrings, and love them. I will say that the backs don't stay on well, so I swapped them out for the more traditional earring backs, and they stay on just fine. As I am sure other mama's can understand, earrings that cannot be grabbed/yanked are the best kind!

The new latte macchiato from Starbucks. Has anyone else tried this drink yet? I thought it was delicious, but I am not sure what I think of the price tag. I still sometimes nearly drop my jaw when something as simple as a latte rings in at nearly $4. Sigh. I have reserved Starbucks as an occasional treat and stick to basic lattes from cheaper stores or the gas station most of the time lately. This new drink is delicious though. It is a bit of a twist on a traditional latte, has a bit more of a bite, and I just love ordering anything that allows me to say 'macchiato'!

Doughnuts. Just doughnuts in general. I don't know if it is because I am pregnant, or because I have a ridiculous sweet tooth, but I have been all about the doughnuts lately. I am ever so NOT patiently waiting for Dunkin Donuts to begin opening their chain of stores in Minnesota starting this year! I hear my town is on the map (but not until 2017). Guess I will just have to make sure I am pregnant one more time when they open their doors so I can give in to my cravings every week. That's a rational thought process, right??

The Target Dollar Spot. Dear Lord, help me when I walk past that section. I couldn't resist buying the sequin XO sign to spruce up my desk as Valentine's day approaches. I have also recently scooped up a cute plate for Jackson to use during meals that is V-Day themed. I want all of the things, and really need to get in my new house soon so I have a place to put all of these totally necessary items.

Speaking of Valentine's Day, I am totally upset by the lack of availability in items for boys. All of the little girl things are so, so cute, but every other holiday seems to have darling boy items, too. Not the day of love, apparently. I went on a hunt for at least SOMETHING to dress my little guy in, and did fall madly in love with this little shirt. I love the design, the lack of tacky sayings like 'I dig you', and that perhaps our child that doesn't want to talk will start telling me I Love You in four languages. Hey, a girl can dream!

We have another weekend ahead of us with below zero temps. The high on Sunday is negative 6 degrees. Yes, I said negative. Brrrr. So, I foresee lots of cozy socks, warm drinks, and indoor play this weekend. Sounds like a Minnesota weekend to me!

Linking up with all of these ladies today!

A Day In The Life

I have been wanting to do one of these posts for quite awhile, as I always find it to be so much fun to see the simple ins and outs of the days of others. We see the weekend highlights, the holidays, and the fun shopping purchases, but it really is interesting to me to see how people operate on an average day. Of course, I woke up committed to doing this on Monday, only to get midday and realize I totally slacked and dropped the ball on taking much of anything for photos after 10am. And I love photos and decided I didn't want to do this post without them. So, here we go, take two, but we did it!

5:00am: alarm goes off. I always, always ignore this alarm. But, I also like realizing I have another hour to sleep before I actually need to get up. Call me strange, but I enjoy this hour of limbo every morning.

6:00am: alarm goes off. This time, I actually wake up. Usually I hit the snooze button once, or lay in bed for 10-15 minutes reading a blog or two, scrolling through e-mails (that always tempt me with sales) and cuddling with my little man who inevitably made his way into our bed sometime around 2am.
6:10am: start the car. It has been SO cold lately, I have to let the car run for a solid 15 minutes in the morning to feel like a good parent..
6:15am: brush teeth, wash face, all of those fun things. Ignore our messy bathroom!
6:25am: hair done, makeup done, teeth brushed, and ready to go. I get ready in 15 minutes max each morning. Having a toddler with teach you to be efficient, and I am seriously efficient in the morning.
6:30am: bundled up and out the door!

6:35am: at my mom's. Most days I hang out at my mom's for 45 minutes or so in the morning and have coffee and chat with her, but today I have a work meeting out of town that I have to be at by 7:30, so after a quick stop at the gas station for a coffee to keep my hands from completely freezing, I am on the road ASAP.

7:30am: Work meeting. Discussing expanding our program to regional markets. I have another meeting in the same town at 9 and have a few minutes to kill, so for five minutes in between meetings..
I swing into the holy land. And I didn't buy a single thing! Perhaps that is self control, or perhaps I didn't have adequate time to do any real damage.
9:00am: Another work meeting at a coffee shop, again to discuss expanding our program. I usually don't buy coffee twice in a day, but just do. And don't worry, it's all decaf unfortunately.

11:00am: back in the office, ready to tackle e-mails and get caught up on the day.
12:00pm: not quite ready for lunch, but I give into my biggest pregnancy craving lately for a snack.
1:00pm: eat lunch. Today I go super fancy with a frozen Smart One's meal. I eat lunch while listening to a webinar at my desk. Exciting stuff, I tell you!
2:00pm: coffee. Decaf, again. But totally necessary, in large part just because my office is freezing.
3:30pm: another webinar. I don't mind webinars, but I have a lot to tune into this week, and I honestly have a hard time keeping my attention with them after awhile..
4:00pm: gym time. If I get to the gym on a week night, it is usually a day like today when I start work early and am able to sneak out a little bit earlier. I went for a run, and it was rough. Some days your body just isn't having it, but I sucked it up anyway and am glad that I did.

5:00pm: I pick up my little guy, and we swing by our lot on the way home. It is right on the way for us, so I am sure our future neighbors have come to recognize my vehicle by now. Sometimes I just love to sit and picture our new house being there in a matter of months; I can't wait!
5:15pm: Playtime. This boy is all about the trains lately, and loves to drive them around the room.
5:30pm: Shower. I usually try to get this in BEFORE dinner (as my wonderful mother-in-law does a lot of the cooking) so that our family is free to just relax afterwards. Towel hair, don't care.
We eat dinner around 5:45, it was stir-fry tonight, and Jackson went to town on the bean sprout noodles! No pictures, as most nights I keep the phone away from our mealtime.
6:30pm: Post bath-time play, which involves running to his favorite place in the house, the computer. Jackson tries to take over the mouse from grandpa, but mom swept in to bring the little man downstairs.

7:00pm: Working on a crochet project for my dear coworker who is having her baby NEXT TUESDAY!
7:30-8:00pm: I put Jackson to bed. The past week or so he has been super fidgety at bedtime, so our routine has gone from about 15 minutes to half an hour. Much better than the near hour it was taking a month or two ago!
8:00pm: An episode of the O.C. in bed.
9:00pm: True story, it is diffuser on and lights out by 9:00pm nearly every night. I am pregnancy, Mike wakes up at the crack of dawn for work, and we like our sleep. Parent life for the win!
Linking up with Joey, Annie and Natalie today!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What's Hap-pinning, New House Style

Happy Wednesday everybody! It is always such a great feeling to know we are halfway through the work week, am I right? There is nothing better than knowing we are on the downhill to the weekend. Lately, my thoughts have been consumed with all things baby and all things new house. For anyone who looks at my Pinterest page, it is clearly all about the house lately. We have finalized our floor plans, and are now in the antsy stage of waiting to see if everything is going to work out as planned. I am mentally prepared for speed bumps, because that is how life works. But we are also at the exciting point where it is not unrealistic to start plotting paint colors, themes, and overall decor!
How dreamy is this shower!? We will most likely be having a walk-in shower separate from the tub in our master bathroom, and even though this is a bit fancy for my style (and budget), a girl can dream. The biggest issue would likely be that I may never emerge from the bathroom..
I am loving the colors of this kitchen. I am fairly certain we will not be doing any white in our kitchen. As much as I love the crisp, clean look, the thought of trying to keep it clean makes me shudder. While I don't mind traditional oak, I do like something a bit different, and I think this gray/brown color is a great alternative that also allows you to mix and match with just about anything!
I am pretty sad I won't have a new nursery to bring baby home to in May, but I am also super excited about planning one for the new house. I mean, we have control of everything down to the trim, and will have people doing all of the work for us, which is much easier than redoing Jackson's room over in our old house! I am planning to go with gray, navy, and accents of mint/aqua. My favorite theme is no theme, and I can't wait to see how my color vision comes to life!
I am really leaning towards wanting a farmhouse sink in our kitchen. I always HATE trying to do dishes in divided sinks, where there is barely room to fit in a pot or pan. Look at the size of that beautiful sink!? It makes me almost want to do the dishes!
More kitchen things (surprise, surprise). The kitchen has definitely been my biggest focus lately! My mom has sliding drawers in her pot and pan cabinet, and it is amazing how easy it is to keep it organized, and to pull things out without making a ton of noise! Major convenience factor, and as someone who often struggles to stay neat and organized, I think this will be so helpful!

I can't wait to see what everyone else is up to today! Linking up with HollyJenn, and Jessi!

Bumpdate: 21 Weeks

21 weeks already! This past week has been freezing cold, I hate wearing anything besides yoga pants, and I would just be really happy if I could go on a walk outside and enjoy some sunshine. Soon enough, soon enough. 

How far along? 21 weeks, 4 days.
Gender: Boy
Total weight gain: about 8 pounds. I am feeling impressed that I am exactly where I was with Jackson, despite the holidays and living like a hermit the past few weeks.
Maternity clothes? some. I can still wear my normal jeans, but really don't want to. I have stopped wearing my dress pants for work, because they literally cut in right in the middle of the bump. Mostly rocking yoga pants and leggings as much as possible.
Stretch marks? none as of now.
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: pretty good lately. It has been cold and nasty, so it makes it easy to curl up in bed and never want to leave!
Exercise: got in three runs last week! Feeling great, but need to use the bathroom immediately before and the second I get off of the treadmill. Babies do not do good things for your bladder!
Best moment this week: getting in a date night with my husband, complete with a movie AND dinner! Also, going to an early movie and dinner after is 100% the way to go. No rushing through your meal, and the theaters aren't packed!
Miss Anything? hmm not really to be honest.
Movement: yes! Kicks, usually around bedtime, and they are getting stronger every day. It is hard for others to catch, but they are definitely able to be felt from the outside now!
Food cravings: oh my gosh I could eat a box of provolone or white cheddar Cheez Its every single day. And coffee, but mostly because it is freezing outside, and I'm cold.
Symptoms: bladder pressure! Round ligament pain, but not too bad this week. Nothing too intense this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no, I have felt pretty good this week!
Labor Signs:nope
Wedding rings on or off? on and even a bit loose (again, I blame the MN weather)
Happy or Moody most of the time: just kind of blah this week. What can I say, it's January and I am wishing away this next month. Sorry not Sorry. 
Looking forward to: I have to work a long day Thursday, so I will have a super short day Friday and will be out of the office before noon! I absolutely love having the chance to enjoy an easy Friday!