
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bumpdate: 21 Weeks

21 weeks already! This past week has been freezing cold, I hate wearing anything besides yoga pants, and I would just be really happy if I could go on a walk outside and enjoy some sunshine. Soon enough, soon enough. 

How far along? 21 weeks, 4 days.
Gender: Boy
Total weight gain: about 8 pounds. I am feeling impressed that I am exactly where I was with Jackson, despite the holidays and living like a hermit the past few weeks.
Maternity clothes? some. I can still wear my normal jeans, but really don't want to. I have stopped wearing my dress pants for work, because they literally cut in right in the middle of the bump. Mostly rocking yoga pants and leggings as much as possible.
Stretch marks? none as of now.
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: pretty good lately. It has been cold and nasty, so it makes it easy to curl up in bed and never want to leave!
Exercise: got in three runs last week! Feeling great, but need to use the bathroom immediately before and the second I get off of the treadmill. Babies do not do good things for your bladder!
Best moment this week: getting in a date night with my husband, complete with a movie AND dinner! Also, going to an early movie and dinner after is 100% the way to go. No rushing through your meal, and the theaters aren't packed!
Miss Anything? hmm not really to be honest.
Movement: yes! Kicks, usually around bedtime, and they are getting stronger every day. It is hard for others to catch, but they are definitely able to be felt from the outside now!
Food cravings: oh my gosh I could eat a box of provolone or white cheddar Cheez Its every single day. And coffee, but mostly because it is freezing outside, and I'm cold.
Symptoms: bladder pressure! Round ligament pain, but not too bad this week. Nothing too intense this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no, I have felt pretty good this week!
Labor Signs:nope
Wedding rings on or off? on and even a bit loose (again, I blame the MN weather)
Happy or Moody most of the time: just kind of blah this week. What can I say, it's January and I am wishing away this next month. Sorry not Sorry. 
Looking forward to: I have to work a long day Thursday, so I will have a super short day Friday and will be out of the office before noon! I absolutely love having the chance to enjoy an easy Friday!


  1. Love reading these! I'm impressed that you're running on the treadmill....I hate running on the treadmill and only last about 15 minutes if I have to. So boring!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. I used to HATE the treadmill, but one day I decided to just force through it and now I seriously love it. I don't run far, about 3 miles, but I am convinced that is part of the reason I felt so great my last pregnancy. I get a kick out of the funny looks at the gym as the belly grows, too ;-)

  2. Wait..are pants besides yoga pants or leggings really pants? because thats kind of all I wear, too haha. They are just so comfy I can't help it! perfect mom uniform!

    1. Haha you are so right! It is below zero again today and I am totally rocking fleece-lined leggings and a cozy sweater at work, oops! I think all workplaces should just approve yogas as being 'business casual'.
