
Friday, January 22, 2016

Bumpdate: 22/23 Weeks

Even though this past weekend was super lazy, work has been busy and I totally missed taking a chalkboard pic for week 22. By the time it crossed my mind, I was coming up on 23 weeks and it seemed silly to do, so this week is a combined post! I must say, I feel like my belly tripled in size over the past week or so, it is crazy! I am still not big by any means, but this pregnancy is definitely more noticeable than my first one was at this point!

How far along?  23 weeks exactly.
Gender: Baby boy!
Total weight gain: Will weigh in again next Friday at my 24 week appointment, but I am thinking in the 12 pound range? This usually depends on if I indulged in cravings the day before stepping on the scale..I literally feel HUGE this week!
Maternity clothes? Some. My regular jeans have pretty much been retired, but still wearing mostly leggings and big comfy sweaters. I am dying for it to warm up so I can just wear maxi dresses and skirts, but I know that is unfortunately a solid two months away.
Stretch marks? No, but my belly is super itchy this week so I have definitely been using my baby belly bar!
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Decent. I have been trying really hard to get Jackson out of our bed this week, so that has meant when he wakes at night laying next to him in his room while he falls back asleep. I am proud he is *hopefully* making progress, but I am definitely tired!
Exercise: When I can! Some runs over the weekend, and hopefully I will get some in this weekend too!
Best moment this week: Finally breaking the below zero cold streak!
Miss Anything? Already missing normal pants. It's gonna be a long two months waiting for dress weather.
Movement: Lots! Getting stronger by the day too, and starting to feel it in distinct locations that are not particularly comfortable.
Food cravings: Cheez its all day. Rice krispies. I have been loving grapefruit this week, too.
Symptoms: Definitely feeling and noticing Braxton Hicks. Total TMI but after a whole month of being 100% dry from nursing Jackson, I once again am seeing colostrum super early. Looks like I will have another baby with more milk than he could possible need..
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really!
Labor Signs: No.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very up and down this week. Mama needs some sunshine and a nice long walk outside I think. Cabin fever is setting in early this year!
Looking forward to: I have another ultrasound next week, and am hoping the little guy is more cooperative and gives us a good shot of his face this time! 


  1. You're so precious! 20 to 30 weeks is when I always felt my best, enjoy every second gorgeous and have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. So precious! I love reading things like this. I am not pregnant or anything, but I am totally not looking forward to the day my wedding ring stops fitting haha. (Although I know it is worth it in the end! :))

  3. cheeze its could be the best pregnancy craving ever. love them when I'm not pregnant, so being able to indulge and blame it on pregnancy? bring it on :)

  4. Girl I hear you on the pants! I can't wait for the warm weather and to wear dresses! :)

  5. Yay for baby boys! I'm due with my second boy in April and we're so excited. You look SO good! I was definitely that big by like, 16 weeks... Also, I FEEL you on the colostrum. I was down to nursing my first on just one side before we completely weaned him at about 17 weeks, so for a while I was all lopsided before my left side caught up with the right on the colostrum front. But I had colostrum my first tri with my first son and had a pretty big excess of milk, and now I feel like I'm always leaking already!!
