
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!

First off, can I get a HALLELUJAH that it is the final week of January!? I hate to admit that I wish a month of the year away..but I do. There is just nothing to like about January, in my opinion. Ugh. That's not to say there haven't been little peaks and highlights this month, but I am ready to trade in winter for warmer temps..heck, I'll even take temps in the 40's at this point! ;-)

What we're eating this week

We nommed on spaghetti on Monday night, which has majorly been a pregnancy craving this go around. Spaghetti and garlic cheese bread sounds good at all times. And tonight I am making tomato soup and the best grilled cheese ever. You guys, once you make this, no other grilled cheese will do!

What I'm reminiscing about

I am totally just reminiscing on better weather. Isn't it funny how we are so excited for the seasons to change, but get so sick of the seasons after awhile? Totally daydreaming about breezy spring days, blooming flowers, and going on evening walks with my little guy.

What I'm loving

Mike and Ikes. Yet another pregnancy craving. Basically any fruity, chewy candy is my jam lately. I am also loving Adele's newest song? Have you guys heard it? If I could have one superpower, it would be to have a singing voice like Adele's. Because that is what it is, a superpower.

What we've been up to

Unfortunately, house stuff lately. And possibly switching builders. So, not fun house stuff. We have hit one of those road bumps (which realistically I knew we would) but it has definitely been consuming our free time and thoughts lately. I will be one very happy lady once that floor plan is finalized and the ground is broken!

What I'm dreading

The rest of the work week. HA! That's kind of sad isn't it. I have had a busy couple of weeks, but the remainder of this week is quiet with little to nothing going on. I go a little stir crazy when I don't get to leave my desk all day. Will most likely be running to get my groceries on my lunch break because I struggle when I don't get a chance of scenery!

What I'm working on

House plans! Team effort with me and my husband, but definitely our biggest and most important project right now. Oh, I am baking a baby, too ;-) just about 24 weeks and he is definitely making his presence known in the past week or two!

What I'm excited about

Valentine's Day! I am not a huge romantic, I don't go all out with flowers and hearts and candy. But I love a good excuse to bake holiday themed treats, and want to make every holiday now that I have kids as special and magical as possible.

What I'm watching/reading

Still on our O.C. kick. We are halfway through the third season, so will probably wrap it all up in the next month or so. It is amazing how TV time becomes practically nonexistent once you have a little one. Long gone are our marathon Netflix binges on weekends. We are lucky to get in more than one episode of anything at a time!

What I'm listening to

See above. All hail Adele. Unlike most ladies, I am holding strong and refusing to give into the Bieber Fever now that he has rebranded himself and all. I just can't.

What I'm wearing

Baggy sweaters. Leggings. Sweater dresses. And yoga pants. Hidden beneath a puffy jacket, boots, and blanket scarves. Pregnant in January is not my favorite. But at least it is cozy.

What I'm doing this weekend

I have my 24 week appointment this Friday, and can't wait to see my little guy on the ultrasound! We also have my grandpa's 75th birthday party, and likely lots of discussing and figuring out house things. And since it is winter and there isn't much else to do..I will be baking and eating said baked treats.

What I'm looking forward to next month

I have a work conference in Minneapolis, and since Mike commutes every day and I will have a hotel for two nights, I think he will just be staying with me. We haven't taken a trip just the two of us since our honeymoon, and while this definitely isn't a 'trip', I am excited to be lazy in a hotel room, go out to dinner with no deadline of when we have to be home, and just enjoy a few nights of quiet. I think we need it! And I'm sure my in-laws won't mind a quiet house with us gone and Jackson with my parents, either ;-)

What else is new

Not a whole lot, I am just doing a happy dance we all survived the longest month of the year! Bring on February, a bit more sunshine, and Shamrock shakes!


  1. I can't think of anything better than watching the OC and eating Mike and Ikes... haha! :)

  2. I am so happy to see January gone as well haha! Good luck with all your house stuff, I hope it works itself out! And that's great you're able to turn a work conference into a little get away for the two of you :)

  3. Yay for January almost being over!!! I'm with you on that!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. Oh my gosh. Adele's new song. I cannot stop with it. I think I've listened to it 600 times this week. She's amazing. In my car and my dreams I sing just like her! :)

  5. Love that you included "making a baby" in what you're working on! :) Enjoy seeing your sweet little!
