
Thursday, January 28, 2016

24 Week Bumpdate and Pregnancy Favorites

Happy Friday all! Considering that I hit my 'weekly milestone' on Friday every week, it seems like the day that makes the most sense to do my bumpdates. However, this also often means forgoing my Friday Favorites, which just isn't any fun! So, I figured for the next few months, why not combine the two and focus my favorites around pregnancy! Let's be real, any lady out there who has been pregnant knows that there are lots of random, helpful, and fun favorites that you stumble across during the glorious 9 months of baby incubation. I think it will be fun to look back and remember how the favorites evolve and change throughout the 9 months, too!
Top (non maternity) // Tank (non maternity) // Leggings (non maternity)

How far along?  24 weeks
Gender: Baby boy! 
Total weight gain: Based on my home scale/gym scale, about 15 pounds. I checked my records from the clinic for my last pregnancy and I was at exactly 15 pounds at 24 weeks that go around too! This must be the month of pregnancy where I eat my feelings..
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mostly just getting by on stretchy and non-form fitting regular clothes. I don't 'need' to wear maternity clothes yet, sometimes they are just more comfortable! Noticed this week that my leggings definitely felt tight around the top, which was just depressing. Still fitting, just not how I like. Baggy sweaters and flowy shirts continue to be where it's at for me.
Stretch marks? Nope! Definitely growing more this time (or so it seems) so we will see how that one pans out.
Belly button in or out: In 
Sleep: We had a night this week where Jackson actually slept in his bed until 5am, which has been practically unheard of over the past few months, so that was awesome! Otherwise, not too bad, and I have managed to hold off on getting up to use the bathroom as much as possible.
Exercise: Still going strong! I have been running about 3 days a week still, and am hopeful that once the weather warms up a bit I can increase that by going on walks/runs during the week as well!
Best moment this week: Eating my absolute favorite grilled cheese and tomato soup on Wednesday. You know you're pregnant when your weekly highlight is food.
Miss Anything? My work wardrobe! It is sad to have so many cute clothes hanging there that I really can't wear and instead feeling frumpy at work every day.
Movement: Still lots of moving and shaking going on. The movements have gone from the belly flutters to legitimate kicks and jabs, particularly on my right side. Fingers crossed the little guy isn't too hard on my ribs as he continues to grow.
Food cravings: Mike and Ikes, or any chewy, fruity candy. Ice cream. Still Cheez Its. Spaghetti and cheese bread. I am trying really hard to clean up my eating after a month of basically giving into every craving that came my way. 
Symptoms: Just overall pressure that is definitely a new experience this round of pregnancy. Braxton hicks. Nothing too major this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, give me all the food.
Labor Signs: No.  
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Just a little stressed this week, but we have a lot going on, so I would be stressed anyway! No spontaneous tears this week, so I consider that a win!
Looking forward to: Seeing my little guy on the ultrasound today!!!

Pregnancy Favorites at 24 weeks!

1. Baby Belly Bar

I have only been able to find this item on Amazon, but I cannot say enough about how great it is. It is in solid form, so you just rub it all over your belly, without leaving excess on hour hands. It is thick, and 24 hours after applying I can still feel the moisturizing effects on my skin. It is heaven sent when you reach that itchy belly point of pregnancy, which is right where I am sitting. This will be with me at all times for the next sixteen weeks.

2. Bath and Body Works aromatheraphy scrubs

These are on sale right now for only $8 a piece, plus there is a 20% off coupon floating around out there, so run and grab one (or five!) This is another great product once your belly really starts growing. I use it in the shower 2-3 times per week, and it smells incredible, sloughs off dead, itchy skin, and leaves behind moisturizing oils that nourish your skin. I used these in the end of my pregnancy with Jackson, and am definitely using them again now!

3. Mike and Ikes. 

Fruity, chewy sweetness is all that I want lately. I just discovered the italian ice Mike and Ikes, and am obsessed. Which is not good for my pregnancy weight gain.. It doesn't necessarily have to be Mike and Ikes. Skittles, Starburst jelly beans, basically if it is sweet and chewy, I want it. So delicious. I may have spent a week with a box of Mike and Ikes besides the bed so I could have a handful in the middle of the night when I woke up starving..

4. Healthy Mama prenatal vitamins

I found these at Target, and love that it all comes in one package. These also don't make me as sick as other vitamins have, which is a total plus. My doctor recommend I take a calcium/Vitamin D3 supplement, and this vitamin pack is one of the few I have found that has that included, so I can stop taking those fruit chews that make me sick to my stomach. Totally love this product.

5. Old Navy go dri leggings. 

These aren't maternity, and I don't know if they will last through my entire pregnancy. But, first and foremost they come in tall (happy dance for me!), second they are highwaisted, with a thick panel so a thin band isn't cutting into you mid-bump. And third, they are thick, warm, and ten times more durable than all of my other leggings. I bought two pairs, and am having to ration when I wear them, because realistically I would love to wear these to work every single day. They are fabulous, and will be great once pregnancy has ended, too!


  1. I crave Cheese Its now haha! Cute baby bump!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. they are seriously addicting! I have to portion them out our I look down and realize I have eaten half of the box :-) And thank you, starting to feel huge but know I have a long way to go!

  2. You look adorable! You should totally check out Motherhood Maternity.. they have some really cute stuff this season!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  3. You make me feel so much better about my last weight gain update haha! We're at the same amount and you look AMAZING! I literally had gained 7 pounds since my last appointment and I freaked out, haha! My doctor wasn't worried and said it was because of how much baby had grown.. but basically you make me feel better about it. YAY! haha

    1. Yes this seems to be a huge growth month! If it makes you feel even better I only gained like 28 pounds total last time so the weight gain did slow down ;-)

  4. Aww man, now I'm craving Mike & Ikes! Your bump is so cute and adorable! I'll be 31 weeks on Sunday with baby boy number 2, and my bump got real big real fast this time around.. Yours is so cute!

  5. Glad you're feeling so great!! Grilled cheese & tomato soup sounds so good!

  6. That's so great that you are still able to get your workouts in!!

  7. omg I am so obsessed with old navy workout pants. Its bad. I may or may not be saving all of my super cash ($90 worth..don't judge ha!) for workout stuff. So cute and looooove that they are high waisted!

  8. You look so great! I have been giving in to allll the cravings lately, too and really need to reign things in. Or at least start working out a bit, ha! Off to check out the Belly Bar!


  9. it's a very helpful article, In my opinion, every mom wanna-be should understand that being pregnant is a miracle, so they will take care their body with a great love and understanding.
    Nursing Jobs

  10. Lots and lots of water, maternity pillow and maternity laggings have been my favorite. I find the waistband of maternity pants and leggings to be so comfy! I was never a fan of the belly band though so I went straight from regular to maternity.
