
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Our Weekend: Duluth Bound

This weekend we packed up our little guy and made a last minute decision to head north to Duluth for the weekend. While some babies are thrown into the world of travel early on, we have held off with Jackson, with our biggest trip to date being one night of camping earlier this summer. Mike has an aunt who lives in Duluth, it was supposed to be scorching hot at home, and we really were needing some family time, so I made the call and to the lake we went.

We were up an at it bright and early Saturday, and were on the road around 6am. Little man slept for a solid hour and a half, and we stopped for breakfast at Tobies, a big truck stop/diner about halfway there. I grew up stopping there on family trips to Duluth..ahh, memories! Little man was full of smiles and baby talk after his nap, and the last hour of the drive he was just perfect. Handling a nearly 3 hour car drive with him went so much better than I expected it would. 
We made it to Duluth by 10am, and hung around catching up with Mike's aunt before heading out for the day. We decided to take Jax to the aquarium, with a quick lunch at Culvers, first. Unfortunately, the busy morning was too much for our little guy and he crashed before we had a chance to feed him.
No worries on that end though, his stroller tray is as good a spot as any for chicken fingers and French friends. He wasn't overly impressed by the aquarium, but he did take notice of the fish and otters, and acted like it was no big thing. It always cracks me up when little ones see something so out of the ordinary and act like they just saw an every day thing.
Pardon the frizzy hair and frazzled look. 90 degrees and ridiculously humid. Is it fall yet?
The one exhibit that own our little guy over was the lava display that showed how the Great Lakes were formed. You could touch it and feel the warmth, mist, and lit up lava, and Jackson would have stood there touching the rocks and giggling all day.
After the aquarium, we walked over to Canal Park and went through some shops, walked the lakefront, and made our way back. Like the awesome
mom/blogger that I am, I managed to capture no pictures at the lake. Of course, Little man was rubbing his eyes and was wearing sunscreen, which is not a good combo, sooo..priorities. We had to get out of there pretty quick and get him cleaned up.
We headed back to Mikes aunts house, and Jackson had a blast playing with the puppies and crawling all over her house. We headed out to Outback Steakhouse for dinner, grabbed some Coldstone to go, and Jackson was crashed before we even got home. He slept through getting out of the car, changed, and into his pajamas, and went straight to bed. We finished the night off eating ice cream and watching Insurgent, which I really liked. Anyone else think this series is WAY better than the Hunger Games?

We were up and headed out pretty early Sunday, trying to make sure we left at a good time so Jax would nap in the car. He slept most of the way home, and was so happy to get home and play his heart out. We made a Target run for groceries, and cleaned up the house a bit to get it ready for more showings (the joys of trying to sell your house).

Overall, we had a great weekend as a family. It was much needed and I am already excited to go again next year and let our little guy experience Lake Superior for real. I have always loved Duluth, and am so glad we made the trip!

Linking up with MegBiana, and Ashley today!


  1. Loving these pictures! Hope you all had fun. I totally love the Divergent series.. I have the read the second book but not seen the movie yet!

  2. Such a fun weekend! :) Thanks for sharing the super cute snaps!

    Le Stylo Rouge
