
Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone! I worked a few long days this week and am rocking my Fridat not at the office. Can I get an amen!? I am totally stoked that fall is on the horizon and am feeling all sorts of motivated lately. Like all Friday's, I am linking up with these lovely ladies today.

1. Fall scented candles
I got the following image in an email and my heart literally skipped a beat.
I am so ridiculously excited to start lighting up my fall candles. It is finally getting cooler at night where I don't feel like a hypocrite running the air conditioning all the while lighting candles...bring on the pumpkin, apples, and spice that are fall! 

2. Cooler temps

Speaking of fall weather, we had a major cold front come through this week and we have been rocking some 60 degree weather in Minnesota. Despite some gloomy rain, I couldn't love it more. Sweaters and boots for life, am I right? It's back up into the 80's this weekend, but I am going to enjoy our final warm days before my favorite season officially sets in.

3. This vest

I have been seeing this baby all over blog-land and am thinking I might pull the plug and actually buy it. What are everyone else's thoughts? Is it worth the purchase? 

4. Pencil skirts. Working ladies, does any outfit make you look and feel more pulled together than a good pencil skirt? They are my favorite when I have to dress to impress and leave me office for meetings ;-) I just picked up this one at target and am seriously continually impressed by the quality of their skirts; my favorite black one has held up for years from there! 

5. Just loving the cuteness of my little man. Photo dump time, you have been warned. 
Have a great weekend, everybody!

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