
Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Favorites-Middle Of January

It is Friday, and I could not be more excited. I'll be honest; January is not my favorite month. But this year, despite being constantly sick and it being bitterly cold, there have been some fun and exciting things happening that are making this long month much more bearable! So before I run around outside in my shorts and a t-shirt because it is hitting 40 degrees outside today ;-) I am excited to share my favorites from this week!

1. Bathtime Giggles
I have gotten so bad about snapping candids lately. I mean you guys, I do not have a SINGLE photo from Christmas Eve with Mike's family. Oops! But earlier this week, Lincoln was being SO adorable and giggly after bathtime, and I couldn't resist snapping a few photos. I just want to bottle him up at this age. I always find things I love at every age with my children, but this 18 months-2 years stage. It kills me. It is peak sweetness, and he is so chubby and squishy and adorable I find myself wanting to literally eat his perfect little cheeks. Don't worry, I refrain. I just love him so much.

2. New Diaper Bag
I posted earlier this week about my new diaper bag, and you guys, I just could not love it more. I literally get a compliment on it every. single. time. I go anywhere with it. After over three years of rocking the boy mom gig, I have finally decided that the men in my life are just going to have to deal with there being more pink than they may like (this throw blanket may also be a new addition to our living room decor). But back to the diaper bag; compared to others I have used I love the depth and height of this bag. I feel like I can fit SO much inside of it! If you are in the market for a diaper bag that looks nothing like a diaper bag (and will transition beyond the diaper years) I cannot recommend this one enough.

3. Fun and Easy Toddler Craft
We finally broke our cold spell this week, but we had another very cold stretch that lasted through all of last weekend, which meant we didn't get out with the boys at all. Influenza is running rampant too, so we are sticking as low as we can over this next month, because we did the Influenza dance with Jackson once, and I never want to do it again. So last weekend, I grabbed some construction paper, glue, and a sharpie market and drew a large snowman and let Jackson glue down mini marshmallows along all of the lines. He loved it SO much, and it was so incredibly easy to pull together! If you are looking for a quick, easy, and relatively mess free way to kill the time on a cold winter afternoon, this is such a fun option! Toddler bonus points because they can and will steal copious amounts of marshmallows.
4. This Jacket
Okay, so last week I rounded up a few of my favorites and gushed over this jacket. I love the pale purple color so much! But when I saw this gray fleece option, I about died. And bless my height, it comes in a size TALL. It just looks so perfect for spring, I need it!
How could I not wrap this up without mentioning that football game last Sunday!? You have truly probably never heard me whisper even a breath about football over here, but I just cannot help myself right now. If any of you were watching the game, you may have caught the announcers mentioning the Vikings and their history of missed field goals in the playoffs. Literally every playoff game they have ever been in has been lost by something silly such as a missed field goal where they end up losing by just a point. We have had our hearts broken so many times that I have stopped ever getting my hopes up. But that game on Sunday. My heart still races thinking about watching that final play. Our boys didn't know how to handle me and Mike screaming and jumping around. Lincoln immediately joined in and was flopping around like a fish out of water screaming his head off, and Mike quickly had Jackson yelling SKOL VIKINGS. It was one of those magical Sunday evenings you know you are going to remember. Win or lose the rest of the playoffs, they broke a curse with that game, and it was just so much fun to watch! 

*Post contains affiliate links. Thank you for support Stang&Co!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Surviving Toddler Life On The Go-What's In My Bag

This post is written in collaboration with Fawn Design. All thoughts, opinions, and suggestions are solely my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Stang&Co!

We are getting dangerously close to that sweet spot with our kids. If you are a mom of young ones, you know what I am talking about. That stage where you can leave the house without double checking you have your arsenal of three bags, two outfit changes, bottles to make sure baby doesn't miss any feedings, and enough diapers to last you through the apocalypse, just in case. 
Slowly as your babies become toddlers, leaving the house becomes a little bit easier, a little bit less scary, and forgetting something becomes a bit less earth shattering. When I first had Lincoln, Jackson was only 21 months old, old enough to walk (or run away), but not old enough to be trusted if I set him down to tend to his baby brother for even a second. I remember braving the grocery store by myself on maternity leave, with a baby carrier in one arm and another who was still very much my baby on my hip. Looking back, I still get anxiety thinking about it. I love having kids so close in age, but man, were those first few months hard.

Now, 18 months into this life with two kids gig, things look pretty different. Jackson can get down from the car by himself, and listens when I tell him to put his hand on the car while I get out his brother. Lincoln eats on a schedule with the rest of us, so bottles are out and I don't have to worry about pumping and keeping his packed milk cold (all the praise hands to that one). We still have our challenges, because Lincoln most definitely likes his freedom and often equates being placed in the front seat of the cart to a death sentence. Even so, outings with our family are becoming a bit less stressful and daunting with every passing day.
One of the best parts of transitioning from the baby stage to the toddler stage has been being able to ditch the extra diaper bag and just carrying one item for our belongings. Diaper bags are great, but two straps across each of my shoulders got really old, really fast. I have been able to go down to using just one bag now, but of course I still cannot leave home without at least a few items for my little guys! This is where my Fawn Design bag is a lifesaver. It has all of the storage needs of a diaper bag, but looks and feels like a purse. I can carry it into work feeling confident and stylish (because hello, it is blush pink and it is gorgeous), and I also know when my boys are with me I am able to carry everything I need. Keep reading for some tips on how I stock my Fawn bag to handle anything life as a toddler mom may throw my way.

1. Diapers. Probably the most obvious, but while we are down to one in diapers, we still definitely need these on the go. I only keep 2-3 on hand, unless we have a full day outing planned, because we are luckily well beyond the stage of blowouts and leaks.
2. Spare clothing. We have swapped out the backup diapers with a pair or two of spiderman undies ;-) My boys are also bookends to the size 3T currently, so I like to keep a pair of pants and a top in that size on hand. In a pinch, it is a little big on Lincoln and a little small on Jackson, but if a quick outfit change is in order, it does the trick for both of them and eliminates the bulk and space that would be consumed by two outfit changes.
3. Wipes. For diaper changes. For juice dumped on the seat. For chocolate covered faces after I let the kids get a treat in the store. Just say yes to diaper wipes, always.
4. Seedlings diaper cream. We don't see diaper rashes often anymore, but I can tell you that every time I have gone somewhere without this stuff, is when we end up having a rash happen. I love that the seedlings line is all natural, safe, and smells so good compared to most other diaper creams.
5. Snacks. Are you even a mom if you don't have an arsenal of quick and easy snacks on hand at all times? We love to have granola bars and fruit snacks. These bars are small, and solid enough that they are less prone to getting smashed in the bag.
6. Water bottle (for each!) Toddlers don't like to share. I am reminded of this every. single. day. Packing one water bottle for them to share is possible one of the worst ideas I have ever had. Just make sure you have hydration for each kid (and stick to the same color and style, or they will fight over that too. Or is that just my kids?)
7. Roller Blends. I used my essential oils to make these and I have a happy blend for myself (seriously smells like a vacation) and a calming blend for the boys that I will put on our wrists or the back of our necks if things ever get tricky when we are out and about. These are amazing for helping everyone (mommy included) calm down if we have a shopping trip that isn't particularly successful.
8. A Spare Lovey. We have been working to cut back on the pacifier for Lincoln, but trust me when I saw that a baby can (and will) throw away their pacifier off the side of the cart when you are absolutely not paying attention. If we are pushing nap time, the car ride home without a lovey is just a BAD idea. I always try to have a space on hand so when things get sticky I have that comfort item to calm my little guy down.
9. A Book. Our boys are pretty beyond the stage of needing chewing toys, rattles, etc., but it is still nice to have something on hand to keep them entertained. I love to throw a book into our bag so they have something to look at in the car if they start getting restless.
10. My wallet. For obvious reasons, when we are out and about I need my wallet, always. I have been looking to downsize to something more compact, so feel free to share your suggestions!
11. A 'Mommy Pouch'. Not many things can cause of feeling of panic to set in quite like realizing I am out and about without something to put on my lips if they get dry. I leave a chapstick and a lipgloss in my bag at all times so I am never caught in a bind! In here I also throw a stain stick, medicine, and any other odd and end personal items for myself.
What are some of your mus have items for being on the go with toddlers? Life gets easier, but it certainly doesn't slow down, so I try my best to always be as prepared as possible!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday Favorites

Well, we had three whole days with temperatures in the 30's, but don't worry, we are back to sub-zero temperatures just in time for the weekend. Can you sense my sarcasm? Okay, good, because it is definitely there. Like I have mentioned recently, these coming weeks are my least favorite of the year. But on the plus side, it is still light outside when we get home in the evenings! Baby steps, but spring time, I'm coming for you! Even in the dreary depths of winter, I always have a few things I stumble upon throughout the week that I love to share with you all!

1. Play Kitchen
This was a Christmas gift for the boys, and I am so glad that I argued it be their main gift. Jackson had been making Christmas cookies with his play-doh for the longest time, and would actually put them on a little plate and stick them beneath his play table to 'bake them' for me. He was so creative without even having the kitchen and I just knew it would be a hit with the boys. Sure enough, they play with it SO much. Jackson puts all of his play tomatoes in a bowl to make me tomato soup, and Lincoln is so serious, and will add a bunch of items to a pot, move them to the microwave, and then move them back to the stove where he stirs them with a spoon and taste tests. Kill me now, it is so darn cute. While I love the look of wooden kitchens, we did opt to go with a plastic play set, but it comes with sound effects like boiling water on the stove top and buttons on the microwave. The boys just love it-I cannot say enough good things about it!

2. Cozy thermals
These are the most basic little shirts, but for whatever reason I think they are the cutest and have bought them for Lincoln in almost every color. They were sold out earlier this week, but it looks like they were just restocked in all sizes! If you have little guys, they are perfect for layering or alone, and hold their shape very well!

3. Lavender for Lashes
Since I started using essential oils, one of the tricks I have learned is to put a few drops of lavender oil in your mascara bottle. Not only does it help keep your mascara fresh longer, but it may help with thickness. I don't have any before and after photos just yet, but I plan on sharing too because I have definitely seen a difference in thickness in the short time since doing this trick!

4. Snow Fun
Since we definitely won't be getting to enjoy outside play this weekend, I have been looking at all the photos of my sweet boys playing in the snow last weekend. It is such a tease when we have snow but it is too cold to get out and enjoy it, so when we have those rare winter days where there is snow on the ground, sun in the sky, and temps above freezing, we absolutely take advantage and soak it up! I just love seeing how much my boys love playing outside!

5. All Things Blush
This is hardly anything new, but I am so in love with all of the pink that I am seeing in stores now that Valentine's Day is approaching and spring will follow after that. I picked up a bunch of pink hued florals for our mantle that I cannot wait to share. Target has a whole bunch of blush colored home décor out right now, too. These baskets come in multiple colors, but the pink is so pretty! I am all about throw blankets, and am wondering if I could grab this one and sneakily start incorporating pink into our master bedroom. The knit design on this pillow is so much fun, and I am dying to add this pink vase to our décor. Now if someone would share tips to putting pink all over your house without your husband noticing or caring, please share! ;-)

*Post contains affiliate links. Thank you for support Stang&Co!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Saying Yes To Essential Oils

Well, I figured it was time I shared over here on the blog one of the big changes we have made in our household over the past six months. While we were never complete strangers to essential oils, we also never dove into them with much seriousness. I love diffusing some of my favorite scents, and my husband loved to have his deep relief roll-on to help with sore and achy muscles, but we didn't do much beyond that. And then a few months back, we decided we wanted to make a change. We wanted better for our boys. We wanted to feel GOOD about the products we were washing our hands with and soaking our dishes in. There are literally hundreds of toxins in our homes, in those products that we buy at the store, because I have always assumed if it is safe to be on the shelves of my favorite store, then it can't be bad for me. But Mike and I decided that we were taking more control over what we put into our home, and our true switch to using essential oils began.

While our home is by no means 100% free of chemicals and toxins, we have made some very easy, yet impactful, changes already. We ditched our dryer sheets (go and search what is in them-yikes!) for wool dryer balls that we add drops of lavender or purification oil to. We use Thieves handsoap and dish soap. It is so empowering to wash our dishes with something that is safe for ingestion and doesn't require a call to poison control if it gets into little hands. When we have a headache, instead of reaching for a bottle of pills we use peppermint oil. I started drinking Ningxia Red every day and have truly been blown away by how in such a short amount of time I have seen cravings (I'm talking about you, sugar) regulate and become so much easier to manage. I could go on and on, but truly, I can't imagine us going back after making these changes. I have never felt more empowered over the health of myself and the ones that I love most than I do now!
I will also be the first to admit that direct sales is not my thing. I have truly always scoffed at businesses built that way, but for me, essential oils are different. Because they work. I continue to have experiences with oils working in powerful ways that make me a total believer in the idea of using them in lieu of chemicals and other typical over-the-counter options.

For anyone who has thought about incorporating oils into your life, I cannot say DO IT enough. I have not met a single person who has started using oils that hasn't found at least one oil that impacted them in some way. It can be overwhelming to start (Young Living has over 100 different types of oils, and countless other products!), so I always tell people the best way to really get to know oils and start learning is to invest in a Premium Starter Kit. This requires you to enroll as a member, but carries no obligation to sell. You can purchase the kit once and receive the discounted rate, and in doing so you will also receive a lifetime discount of 24% off nearly all future purchases. I always tell people that if you plan on purchasing more than once in your lifetime, it is just silly to not enroll as a member! With this you receive 11 oils, which are some of the most popular and can be used on a daily basis, as well as a diffuser of your choice, and multiple samples. I also will treat anyone on my team to a Fearless book, which walks you through the starter kit and in two hours will have you knowing how to use the little box of magic that is in front of you! You will also receive access to my Facebook group, and will be invited to our larger online community where I have received so much assistance and support!
To Get Started:
1. Enroll HERE (the number 13157137 should automatically appear in the SPONSOR and ENROLLER locations.
2. Choose your Starter Kit (they begin at $160 with a retail value of over $300), I suggest the Dew Drop, and if you are considering in the investment, I am absolutely in love and could not recommend the Aria diffuser more).
3. It is not required, but enrolling in Essential Rewards is easy and it is FREE, and with every monthly purchase you make, you will receive cash back for future use, as well as free promotional items with your purchases. Eventually, Essential Rewards members earn up to 25% back on their orders (which is on top of your 24% member discount).
4. Place your order!

If you have ever thought about oils or simply have questions, I am happy to help and assist!

As a distributer of Young Living essential oils any recommendations I make are specific to this company and should not be considered applicable to other oil products. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and information shared on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do not stop.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Snow Day Fun

After two straight weeks of not seeing temperatures above zero degrees (I wish I was kidding), we were beginning to go a little stir crazy. I just said to Mike this weekend that, while I always feel bad when I wish time away, I always am happy to see the next four or five weeks fly by. January and February in Minnesota are just tough. Especially with little kids who don't know how to communicate when they are cold or need to go inside, it gets difficult to take them outside, or even to run errands. There is a LOT of bundling up that goes into a simple trip to the grocery store when you are dealing with temperatures that are twenty degrees below zero. But yesterday, we finally saw a break in the cold and for the next few days we will be enjoying temperatures right around 30 degrees; that may not seem very warm, but keep in mind that is fifty degrees warmer than where we were at a week ago. So, we had to take advantage and take the boys over to my in laws for some sledding! All of the cousins were there, and we had so much fun playing in the snow. Jackson quickly figured the whole situation out, and was carrying his own sled up the hill just to set off on his next run with zero assistance. Lincoln was as happy as could be being pulled in the sled, riding down on the tube with his brother, and acting as though he was going to lick the tree. Not sure why he thought that was funny, but he is my silly second child and he never actually licked it, so I just played along ;-) Feel free to scroll down below for a photo dump of our fun. We were outside for what must have been a solid hour, and all of the kids were treated to hot chocolate and whipped cream once we went back inside. It was one of those bright spots that make winter almost (maybe) bearable!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday Favorites-First of January

Whew, we made it through the first week back after the holidays! I was seriously dreading the return to work and daycare on Tuesday, I thought my kids would be in total meltdown mode. But, to my surprise they were actually super happy, sweet, and ready to go! It always gives me such a good feeling to know how happy my kids are at the daycare that they go to; we truly are lucky to have found her! Aside from working our way back into a routine, trying to eat healthier, and surviving sub zero temps for a second week straight, I love the fresh feeling that comes with the new year, and of course there are so many goodies out there to support that!

1. New Year, New Letterboard
While my letterboard isn't new, the quote on it may very well be my new favorite. I laugh every time I walk past it hanging on our wall, because it is SO true. And don't ask me if we had pizza last night for dinner, because the answer is obviously yes. I am working on cleaning up as much of my diet as I can, and am even saying goodbye to my wine for at least a month just to flush out my system, but cutting out pizza? Nope, it just isn't going to happen.

1. My First Facebook Live Event!
Well, I stepped way outside of my comfort zone this week and did a live video over on Facebook. Be on the lookout for more details next week, but we have started incorporating essential oils into our home and I hosted an online class for how to begin! It was super intimidating for me, because not only was I going live in front of people I know, I was educating on a product. But it went so well and I actually had a lot of fun! I will have the video up through Saturday, so if you want to check it out, you can do so HERE to learn more about how to use a YL Premium Starter Kit!

2. Valentine's Pajamas
Okay, yes, I am sharing more pajamas. Jackson is wearing size 5T you guys, which means my days of putting him in all of the adorable toddler pajamas are truly becoming numbered. And I saw this pair and purchased immediately for both of my boys. I absolutely love Valentine's Day (okay, I mostly just love the color pink) and it always bums me out a bit that there aren't many great options for boys. These are still very much made for boys, but so sweet and festive without including robots or 'love monsters'. I know you other boy moms know what I mean!

4. Sueded Moto Jacket
I feel like I have been lacking an in-between jacket. I have a good amount of spring options, and I have my warm down jacket that I wear most days during the frigid cold of winter. But I don't have a stylish option that is cute and easy to wear but still warm and cozy. Earlier this week, I saw this jacket at American Eagle marked down at a MAJOR discount. It is originally $150 and is on sale for only $35! I scooped it up right away; I love the moto style, and think this one looks so unique in that it is also a warmer option. I chose to go with black, and cannot wait to get my hands on it!

5. New Moisturizer/Hair Care/Do It All
As I continue to clean up my skin care routine, I grabbed a bottle of jojoba oil to mix with my essential oils when applying to my face. When I opened it, I read another suggestion on the bottle was to apply a drop to your hair as a serum when it is wet. Now trust me when I say that a little bit goes a long way, but my hair has been so dry and brittle lately, and I couldn't believe how soft a little bit of this oil made it! Way softer than my normal hair serums, in fact. If your hair has been dry and just feels dull lately, try a little bit of jojoba oil, it is amazing!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, we are finally supposed to see some temperatures in the 20s on Sunday, so I have my fingers crossed we can get the boys outside to do some sledding and snowman building!

*Post contains affiliate links. Thank you for support Stang&Co!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Our Christmas

I swear, the holidays just go by faster and faster every year. This year was by far the most magical since having children. Jackson really is starting to just get it, and while he may not be sure how he feels about Santa Claus, he was pretty excited that the big guy brought him some presents. Lincoln is just as cute as a bug and follows Jackson around, trying so hard to be just like him. So truly, watching those two brothers enjoy the magic of Christmas was one of the sweetest experiences I have had so far as a mother.
This year was the first year we really did our ELF tradition. A fun history; we had three elves in our house when I was a kid, and they magically moved and got into all sorts of mischief every night. We are talking two decades before the Elf on the Shelf trend, and I am forever a bit salty that my parents didn't jump on that idea and create a money making franchise like some other person did ;-) So, instead of having the Elf you see in most homes, I was able to find the exact elf that my parents had, and love pointing out the my boys that our Elf is just like the one at Grandma and Grandpa's. I feel like it will make it so much more special as they grow older! Our Elf was a relatively lazy guy, but he did get into some trouble a few times. My favorite was when he created a zipline across our kitchen!
We wore matching family pajamas, a Christmas miracle in and of itself. Mike is not the festive pajama type, but he got on board and Jackson thought it was the best!
I dressed Lincoln up a la Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation, and probably got my favorite photos of him of all time. 
Merry Christmas, shitters full! ;-)

We had lots of fun drinking coffee (or milk for Jackson) out of these adorable Santa mugs. I just love all of the festive little things that make Christmas so much fun.

We spent Christmas Eve with my in-laws, and I captured zero pictures. I am the worst at getting out the camera when we are in the midst of gift openings and family dinners. But trust me when I saw the boys had a blast!

On Christmas morning, I also captured ZERO pictures. But Santa surprised the boys with a play kitchen, and they have been living in it ever since! Lincoln takes it so seriously, placing items in a pot, and stirring it, placing it in the microwave..he takes it SO seriously, it is too cute to handle. We had breakfast and home and the boys spent the rest of the morning playing with all of their toys.

After naps, we headed over to my parents for Christmas dinner. Below is the one piece of evidence that my children actually received presents this year. I was so excited that Mike and I got a new camera-after permanently borrowing my sisters camera (seriously) for the past year, I think both she and I were pretty thrilled I finally had a DSLR of my own!
 The boys got a photo by the tree with grandma and grandpa, and as usual, this is about as good as it was going to get. Boys will be boys.
 Lincoln was so sweet looking at the candles in the front windows. I just love the magic in the eyes of children during the holidays.
 I mean, this picture just about does me in. I want to bottle him up and keep him like this forever.
Another family photo, but no one is crying so I call it a win. 
And one last shot with my love, because holidays are the one time that I can force him to take a picture with me ;-)

I had the rest of the week off with the boys, but it was literally below zero every single day and FREEZING so we did a lot of laying low and playing at home. It was a great recharge week and I think that, while we were sad to see our mini break come to an end, returning to a schedule wasn't the worst thing.
We rang in the new year with dinner at my parents and everyone being in bed by 9pm, because #adulting. We are ready to take on 2018!

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas, I truly love and appreciate every single person who continues to follow along our little corner of the world here at Stang&Co!