
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lincoln: One Year Old

I absolutely cannot believe it. Tomorrow, our sweet baby boy turns one! I am starting to sound like a broken record, but this has, without a doubt, been the fastest year of my life. I cannot pinpoint exactly when he stopped being a baby and became a toddler. I was most likely blinking. Regardless, he has become so much fun lately, and is into all of the naughty things. I just love this age; it is a lot of work, but it is that magical stage where baby still has that innocence (of course don't get me wrong, he can definitely be naughty!) but also is developing the best little personality. This month has been a fun one-I just love watching him grow!
Romper // Shoes c/o

Age: 12 months
Height: 32 inches. 99th percentile. I honestly think he and Jackson have the EXACT same stats for their one year mark!
Weight: 27 pounds. 99th percentile. He is wearing size 18-24 month clothing, size 4 diapers, and size 4 shoes but is inching towards size 5!
Milestones: He has really started to communicate and mimic us this month! He has officially said his first word, and it is....mama. He has been babbling for months, but mama is definitely his first intentional word. He usually says it when he is sleepy and will crawl at me wanting to be held. It is music to my ears!
He also still loves to wave bye bye, and also shakes his head 'no no' whenever we tell him to stop doing something. Which is pretty much all of the time-he is into everything! He will stop what he is doing when he hears the words no no, and shake his little head back and forth. It is SO CUTE. He has also started pointing at things, and I don't know why, but it just melts my heart. I still just find myself so amazed of how he is already big enough to be aware of the world around him! We are working a bit on signing, and he has started to mimic 'all done', so I am hoping we are able to teach him please and more soon.
No walking yet. I honestly thought he would walk by his first birthday, because he is so determined in everything. But, instead of using that determination to walk, he uses it to avoid walking. If I set him down to walk, he goes limp like a noodle; an outright walking refusal. If I get him going and don't let him realize what is going on, he will hold my hands and walk clear across the room. We have coaxed a solo step or two out of him, but he immediately drops to a crawl when he realizes what is going on. Stubborn boy. He cruises around the furniture all day long though. All in due time!
Sleep: When it comes to sleep, Lincoln is my favorite child ;-) Still going down at 7pm on the nose, and usually wakes up anywhere between 5-6am. He takes two naps a day, but they seem to be getting shorter. I am trying to remember when we cut down to one a day with Jackson, I have a feeling some time this summer we will make the shift.
Best Moments: Hearing him say mama. I just don't know if there is anything better than hearing your little one say that word. Spending lots of time outside with him has been great, too. A sharp contrast to last summer when he despised walks, Lincoln could now not be happier to go in the stroller and spend some time outside. While he is down to one week left at grandma's house for daycare, I have absolutely loved when I leave after dropping him off. My mom carries him outside, he gets to go 'buh-bye', and stands on the porch waving, and then watching the birds. I think one of the most magical things about children is seeing the joy in the most simple things through their eyes.
Worst Moments: Nothing sticks out this month. Aside from an occasional tantrum and trying to keep him out of trouble, this past month was a pretty good one!
Eating: He is a bottomless pit, truly! I am pretty certain that he eats more at most meals than his older brother. He loves pasta, garlic bread, blueberries, strawberries, clementines, and graham crackers. He is not a fan of deli meats, but loves rotisserie chicken and will eat hamburger. He seems to have inherited the family sweet tooth, and he about loses it when someone shares their dessert with him. We have really been able to increase the kinds of things we give him now that he has a good number of teeth to chomp with. I hope he continues to be such a good, happy eater.
Teeth: 6. There has been quite a bit of drooling happening lately, so numbers 7 and 8 will likely be here sooner than later.
Likes: Food, bath time, going for walks, climbing the stairs, crawling/chasing after his brother, sitting in his Pottery Barn chair, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, climbing on/knocking over furniture. He has started to play with cars and trains and drives them (how do all boys learn this almost immediately!?) He loves to be tickled, and playing pat-a-cake and so big with mommy. He likes to sit in the toy room with his big brother, and they are really starting to play well together!
Dislikes: When he wants to be picked up and it doesn't happen, getting out of the bathtub, not being allowed to climb on things, deli meats, when his brother screams in the car (he HATES that one).  Every month the dislike list seems to get shorter; this boy really has become such a happy, curious little guy.

Our sweet Lincoln, this year with you has been like a Sour Patch Kid. Just keeping it real. First you were sour, but now you are so, so sweet. Your daddy and I are so incredibly excited to enjoy this summer with you, and to watch you experience so many new things. You are our big cheeser, and we love you to pieces!


  1. Don't you feel like the first year with your second child went so much faster than with your first? I feel like I blinked and Graham was one and I didn't really stop to enjoy the baby baby stage. Its a bittersweet time but year two is oh so fun!

  2. So precious! Happy Birthday, Lincoln (and mama)! The first year with the second goes by in a flash!

  3. Awww how sweet! Happy birthday to your adorable boy!

    - Claudia

  4. Happy happy birthday, sweet boy! You are so loved!

  5. Happy Birthday Lincoln. I can't believe how big you have gotten in a year. Such a sweet boy!

  6. Happy Birthday Lincoln! The first year with your second baby goes by too fast. I felt the same way with Kai, before I knew it he was turning a year old. They need to slow down!

  7. So sweet! Ari's first word was "Mama" too- although I brainwashed the poor kid and practiced it with her every day for 9 months! Hope you guys have a fun weekend of celebration!
