
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Labor Day Weekend 2016!

How do long weekends always fly by SO fast? I swear it was just Thursday, and now it is Tuesday morning already. Don't blink, I guess! On the plus side, we are rocking a 4 day week this week, so we are already that much closer to another weekend!

Our labor day weekend was pretty low-key. However, super spur of the moment we decided to take Friday off and take our biggest little down to the Minnesota State Fair! Lincoln is hit and miss with his moods, and obviously wouldn't enjoy anything that the fair had to offer anyway, so we left him with my parents and hit the road bright and early to get there when the vendors opened!

My sweet boy was so well behaved the entire ride both ways, he really has always been a dream when it comes to driving longer distances. He loves to just look out the windows and take it all in. And also crash, obviously. We had pretty much zero traffic driving down, which was great!

Once we got there, we decided to grab some breakfast right away. Neither of us have been to the fair in 7 or 8 years, so we really are not skilled at finding things at all. With that being said, I missed out on a lot of our foods to try because we didn't know where to find them! *insert sad face* We did get to try the famous pickle dog, which is a pickle wrapped in cream cheese and pastrami. You guys. SO GOOD. Jackson would agree.

We decided to try out a ride, and since Jackson has never been on one, we tried out the carousel. He was NOT a fan. This picture is totally deceptive, because the ride started three seconds later and he screamed to get off the entire time. Oh well, glad we started small instead of with a roller coaster or something ;-)

Our little guy was all about looking at the animals, and would have spent all day looking at the piglets if we would have let him. He is so precious, I can hardly stand it.

We capped the day off with more cheese curds than any human being should ever possible consume, and hit the road by 11am! We did not want to risk sitting in Labor Day traffic heading north to the lakes for anything. We are glad we did, because we made it home once again with pretty much zero traffic.

Most of the day Saturday, Mike spend picking rocks in our yard. *FUN* Jackson 'helped' him pretty much all morning, and it was just the sweetest. That little boy is happiest when he is outdoors. I am so thankful for our new neighborhood and big yard. Our kids will be able to run outside with so much space and basically zero traffic. We are blessed and so thankful to be where we are.

Saturday night, we decided to try out Red Robin in town that opened this year. I have heard lots of mixed reviews, but I loved it. I got the Mac n Cheese burger that was on special. It was only $6.99, and bottomless fries? Yes please!

Jackson ate every last bit of food on his plate of meatballs, and stole a fair share of our shakes for dessert, too. Meanwhile, Lincoln smiled his way through the entire meal.

Sunday and Monday were days of more yards work, baking cookies, and slowly but surely getting more things organized around the house. All in all, a great low-key weekend spent with family which is my kind of weekend.

What did you all do for Labor Day? I cannot believe today is back to school for everyone in Minnesota! Bye bye summer, and hello to the most wonderful season of the year!

Linking up with Our Pretty Little Girls today.


  1. I love the Thomas hat! SO Cute!! We need a close up of your sweatshirt and deets on where you got it. It looks so comfy!

    1. I'll have to post another shot of it soon! It is from hello apparel!

  2. Yay! We went to the MN state fair on the 30th! My post is coming soon! Such a fun time!

  3. I still can't believe that Lincoln can hold himself up that well in the jumperoo. Love the photos from the fair. It has been so long since I went to a fair too. I would miss out on all the foods too!! That hotdog sounds so interesting!
