
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

More Life Changes!

Despite my best efforts, the blog continues to take a backseat to our every day life. For those of you that follow along, you know that life is plenty crazy over in our neck of the woods. Bringing home a new baby and building a house, which required Mike to be gone nearly all weekend every weekend for a few months, left little time for me to sit down and dump out my thoughts into this little space. The free time I have had, truthfully, has been used to shower, watch the Bachelorette, and spend what little quality time with the hubby that I could manage.

So, of course I couldn't help but throwing something new into the mix. I was offered and accepted a new position at work! So, after twelve weeks of glorious (or ridiculously stressful, depending on the day) maternity leave, I returned to a new title, new office, and new job. Why, you may ask? The decision was actually a pretty easy one. As you may know from reading in the past, I completed my MBA back in December. I am pretty determined in regards to my career, and knew that I want to continue to grow and rise to new challenges early on. I didn't do all that work including weekend projects and late nights away from my baby just to sit on a degree, after all! So, while I was on maternity leave I thought it was, in fact, a great time to explore and pursue new options if they made sense. And wouldn't you know, a position was posted within my company that called upon my past skill set, was a step up and therefore a promotion, and in a department that more directly reflected the type of working role I aspired to move into.

In quite the whirlwind of events, I had both a first and second interview in a matter of days, and was offered the job with about two weeks of maternity leave remaining. Upon accepting, I was able to get it worked out so that on my first day back, I was able to come straight to my new role, so there was no short-term return to my old position. It worked out perfectly, as I had really tied up loose ends and passed off tasks back in May before going on leave.

I am now into my third week in the new role, and am really enjoying it. I love the new challenges that are in front of me, and am enjoying having more creative and decision making power. I have some big visions for what I am going to do for my new department, and I cannot wait! So here is to a new job, new house, new baby, and hopefully settling into some semblance of normalcy this fall for the first time in nearly three years!

Linking up with Jenn and Jessi for 'What's Hap-pinning' today!


  1. So glad to hear that you are enjoying your new job!

  2. Congratulations on the new job! Lots of changes but change is good!

  3. Excellent news! Congrats and keep kicking butt in life!

  4. Congratulations! That's awesome!
