
Friday, February 12, 2016

Bumpdate: 25/26 Weeks

Wow, some weeks I just cannot keep on top of these bumpdates! Of course, we have had plenty going on, and with me being gone at a conference last week, photo ops were limited ;-) I did manage to get two pictures into this blog, mostly because I think it is so crazy to see the weekly progressions and how things can change. I definitely am feeling great still, but am also beginning to definitely feel pregnant. This week marks my first official experiences of feeling my balance and center of gravity being totally thrown off. Leaning over too quickly throw on my boots is now a dangerous activity, and sitting up on the couch to try and grab a toddler who is about to jump off will not be possible in the very near future. Fingers crossed he doesn't figure out my limitations any time soon..

How far along? 26 weeks
Gender: baby boy!
Total weight gain: Around 18 pounds, I think. Definitely didn't have a 'healthy' week between being at a work conference and then eating for the Superbowl last weekend, but I am definitely trying to eat as good as I can to stay as healthy as I can throughout pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? Yep, but ugh I just don't like them. Maternity pants at least. I did wear my full panel jeans last weekend, but felt like I was continuously pulling them up and adjusting, which is no fun. And my Gap Body maternity tees are great, but other maternity tops just feel big and bulky on me, so it has still been lots of flowy, comfy tops and sweaters. I am really depending on Mr. Groundhog to be right on his prediction of an early spring, because I am DYING to whip out my maxi skirts and dresses.
Stretch marks? No, my skin and belly feel tight this week though, lots of growing going on!
Belly button in or out: In, it never popped with Jackson, but got close, so we will see what happens.
Sleep: I hesitate to even type this, but Jackson, while not doing it quite consistently, has been sleeping through the night! I woke up Monday morning totally frazzled as Mike was on his phone and asked what time it was, and he told me it was 4am and he was getting up for work. I slept through the entire night (because in my world 4am constitutes sleeping through the night). I would say Jackson has had 4 nights of staying in his room all night in the past week and a half, so that is a major small victory in our household!
Exercise: Yes. I have said it a million times and I will say it again, I feel my absolute best in pregnancy during a run. I think it is because I feel strong, am reminded that despite growing every week I am still in good shape, and nothing beats a good sweat sesh. I have even started upping my speeds and distance (don't tell my doctor). I figure if I feel great, why not. Also, did you know exercise during pregnancy increases oxygen supply to the baby and can help them to have better lung development? Especially after having a 'preemie' (only by a few days was he preemie) last time, I find great comfort in knowing I am potentially helping speed up some development!
Best moment this week: Sleeping! Baby has also started kicking hard enough that if I lay an object on my belly, it will shake and move. So fun to watch!
Miss Anything? Putting my shoes on without having to worry about my own safety. I am also starting to get full really easily as baby takes up more room, and I do not like feeling like a stuffed turkey!
Movement: Lots, and getting stronger by the minute. I have felt some legitimate 'JABS' up by my ribs, which thanks to an ultrasound I know are his little feet. Which also means the bladder jabs are punches from my little kickboxer. You can see them from the outside now, too!
Food cravings: Just give me all the food. With winter, warm, cheesy, and loaded with carbs is all I want. I did have a major craving for a chocolate peanut butter shake last week, and Sonic totally filled it.
Symptoms: Definite shift in my balance/center of gravity this week. Feeling a little swelling in my fingers this week, too. Mama should probably cut down on her sodium intake..
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, feeling great lately
Labor Signs: No, but Braxton Hicks are happening. I think I am just much more aware this time because with my first pregnancy I didn't really realize what they were.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but we have a ton going on so I am also feeling a bit like a frazzled crazy person! ;-)
Looking forward to: Friday night fish frys and making Valentines cookies this weekend!


  1. Yay for you sleeping through the night! I know I feel like a new woman if I get a good night's sleep. Have a great weekend!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. right, isn't it amazing what getting real sleep will do!?

  2. I feel like for the first 2/3 it was hard for me to keep up with Bumpdates, mostly because I felt like everything was the same week in and week out, especially since Dr. appointments are so far apart. Yay for sleep! I'm almost 33 weeks with my second and a full nights sleep is like a distant memory!

    1. some weeks do seem to run together, but it is fun to notice subtle changes, if anything not in the writing but in the pictures! and yes, i keep reminding myself that even if we get back on a regular sleep schedule, it will all go right back out the window very soon!

  3. You're looking great! Also, good for you for keeping up with the bump updates; they are hard to do sometimes, though. I was lucky that I was pregnant mostly during the spring/summer so I was able to live in dresses. Spring will be here before you know it!

    1. thank you!! I was pregnant in the spring/summer with my last baby and FAR prefer it to a winter pregnancy. If I ever have a 3rd, I will be timing it so I don't have to deal with being big in the winter for sure!

  4. You look fantastic! Your belly is still itty bitty!

    Thanks again for stopping by my blog! I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. aw, thank you! some days it definitely doesn't feel itty bitty ;-) happy weekend to you as well!

  5. aww man you're looking great STILL my friend!! so excited for you!

    1. aww thank you so much! i am definitely getting anxious but also keep telling the baby he can stay in there as long as he wants, i have lots to do before he shows up! :-)

  6. Love these little updates. You look amazing for 26 weeks!

  7. This blog post is so fun! Your baby bump is so cute too! Props to you for running while pregnant. That is so awesome. I hope to do the same someday. If you are interested I am hosting a Monday linkup with one of my friends and fellow bloggers. Feel free to add your link!
