
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bumpdate: 12 Weeks

Now that we have finally announced (check it out here if you missed it!), I am excited to get into 'bumpdates' to track how things are going! I started these at the very end of my pregnancy with Jackson, and was able to do all of one board before he arrived a month early. Looking back on his monthly chalkboards for his first year of life, I am so grateful that I took the time, because I have the little memories and milestones written down that I honestly wouldn't think to put in his baby book. I have already had so many moments with this pregnancy where I have asked myself "is this when I started feeling sick last time?" "Am I more or less tired this time around?" And the one that I can't believe I forgot, "What was Jackson's heartrate at his 12 week appointment?" I love this little blog space to be able to remember the little details that may not seem like a big deal, but looking back are so special to have on hand!

How far along? 12 week, 5 days
Gender: We won't know for awhile! Every single person seems to be positive it is a girl (except me, who thinks it's a boy, because it seems fitting that my child would purposely be a boy just to prove everyone else wrong!) My nephew who has predicted every baby born in the last 5 or so years to be a boy (and eerily, he was right on every single one) refers to this baby already as if it is a girl, and apparently I should name her Sabrina.
Total weight gain: 0. With Jackson, I lost 3-4 pounds in the first trimester. This time, I have literally sat at the exact same weight from day one. I want to say I was back to my 'pre-morning sickess' weight by my 16 week appointment with Jackson, so I am sure the extra pounds will start showing up any day now.
Maternity clothes? Nope. I am still fitting into all of my normal clothes like, well, normal. With Jackson I didn't even 'pop' until after 20 weeks, but being this round I am going to be doing all of my growing during the cold months where pants are required in lieu of maxi dresses, I am thinking I will make the argument to switch over much, much sooner. My pregnant coworker has also proven that dress code goes out the window and leggings (as long as the bum is covered) are totally acceptable during pregnancy! No one is gonna send a pregnant lady home to change!
Stretch marks? Not yet. We will see if we get lucky again for round 2. I still have a baby belly bar left unopened from my last pregnancy, and will probably start using that and my cocoa butter soon.
Belly button in or out: In. It never popped with my first pregnancy, so we will see this time.
Sleep: If I could sleep all day, every day, I would. Sometimes mid-day, I want to cry because if my head hit the table/floor/desk, I would be out in two seconds flat. All I want is sleep.
Exercise: With being so busy with everything, exercise has been rough in the beginning. It was similar with Jackson, and once I turned the corner on the first trimester I got back in the swing of things, so I am really hoping to do the same and run throughout my pregnancy this time, too!
Best moment this week: Our doctor's appointment last Friday! We had a little scare a few weeks back, and so finally hearing the heart rate strong and steady at 177, I was just so relieved, and finally feel like I can enjoy the pregnancy and not worry like I have the past few weeks!
Miss Anything? The other day I was at a grocery store and wanted a Diet Pepsi in the worst way! I also miss being able to order sandwiches at Subway or Jimmy John's without demanding they heat the meat up.
Movement: Not yet.
Food cravings/aversions: Give me all of the orange juice. Fruit (loving that it is apple season!). California rolls. I had a mean craving for donuts the other weekend, as in I needed an iced cake donut like my life depended on it. Mostly, this pregnancy has been all about the sweets and fresh foods! I would so much rather have a bowl of fruit after dinner than a bowl of ice cream, which I feel crazy even saying!
I am just coming back around to coffee, and just in time for peppermint mocha and red cup season! I was repulsed by coffee the first trimester with Jackson, too, but thankfully both times the love for the java has come back with the subsiding of the morning sickness.
Symptoms: Oh you know, nausea, some vomiting, being repulsed by 98% of the food I look at. However, while I started earlier this time (5 weeks was all I was when the nausea hit), it also seems to have resolved sooner, as I was feeling almost back to normal around 10-11 weeks this time. Of course, that is if you don't count the fatigue. Because I have absolutely been falling asleep at the same time as Jackson most nights (which is 7:30pm. don't judge!)
On another note, if I read a sappy blog, I cry. If I hear a song on the radio that is even remotely emotional, I cry (hello, Macklemore, I'm talking to you). Reading or hearing a sad story? I'm just done. So many spontaneous tears sitting at my desk while reading news articles. Only slightly embarrassing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Coffee, but thankfully this is on the mend. I will say that even though I became physically sick more this time than with my first pregnancy, I had less aversions and have been able to eat three solid meals pretty much every day. That being said, the foods that have come back up include: donuts from the Mexican bakery on my trip to Washington, orange juice, crackers, and for fun, the simple act of waking up for work has also sent me running for the bathroom.
Labor Signs: No
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Baby is growing and healthy, I'm almost done with school, my husband and son are my world, and I am just feeling very blessed lately.
Looking forward to: Getting a bump! I took so long to show with Jackson, and while I am in no rush to get huge and uncomfortable, I wouldn't mind having a cute little bump at Christmas-time! 

And because I am now wrangling pregnancy with another little to take care of, here is the status of the chalkboard moments after the picture above was taken:

Today, I am linking up with Holly, Jenn, and Jessi!


  1. Congrats on pregnancy #2! You look so cute with the little pop of your belly! I love your little guy crawling all over the board at the end, haha!

  2. YAY, congrats on #2!!! you look amazing!

  3. I just love reading bumpdates! So exciting! The pictures of Jackson at the end are a great addition to the post. :)

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