
Thursday, August 13, 2015

One Year Photos

Last month, we met up with our favorite photographer Amanda Baloun, who has been there to take many pictures for us over the past few years. She has captured our wedding reception, Jackson's 3 and 9 month photos, and now his one year photos. Her work blows me away more and more every time I get our images back. We truly are so lucky to have her capturing the most candid moments of our little family.
At this session, Jackson showed up cranky and ready to not do a single thing we asked of him. The smiles captured by Amanda were few and far between, but you would never know it looking at these images. I will say, the child has mastered his serious 'model pose'.
Despite being a 'male dominated' family, I opted for pink shades in these pictures, and so glad I did! Coupled with the lush summer greens, these pictures are the epitome of summertime, at least to me! I honestly can't pick a favorite out of them all, and could not be one bit happier with how they turned out!

Jersey pic requests brought to you by the husband
 Melt. My. Heart.
 This boy owns my heart.

 Doesn't he look so over our kisses!?
 His face! This one kills me!

 Baby J Crew model? (proud mama, obviously).

Mike came to me with this one and said 'doesn't this look like a cologne ad!?' it made me laugh. This kid is such a ham.
 All that I love most in one photo.

Linking up with Annie and Natalie for Thoughts on Thursday today!

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