
Monday, August 24, 2015

First Birthday Party-Recap

Here I am finally writing this post, and only three weeks later..if someone can explain how life gets away from me so quickly, that would be great! We threw Jackson's first birthday party the weekend before his actual birthday, and it turned out great! I had been thinking over the past few months on what kind of birthday party I wanted to throw him, and at the top of my list was small and casual. Not a ton of people, not a huge commotion, but I definitely still wanted to pull together a theme and some fun ideas. Those of you who know me also know that 'themey' rooms, clothing, parties, and anything else is not my cup of tea (note: anything with sayings or characters on it that my child owns were not purchased by me). I know that one day I will have a little boy who looks at me with stars in his eyes asking for a Ninja Turtles or super hero birthday party, and I will happily oblige. But, until then, I am having fun coming up with themes for my little man that are detailed with his mama's taste!

For his birthday party, I don't even know in particular what I would call his theme, as I pulled in a couple of ideas from different areas.  50's, rock and roll. A little bit of classic diner. Summer barbeque. Ultimately, I suppose the theme wrapped up was just the 50's in a nutshell. We had old records for decorations, microphone cupcakes, barbecue chicken sandwiches, and pop 'rocks' and 'rock' candy (get it, wink wink). And, of course, classic coke and some red Jone's Soda for some extra flair.

 The birthday boy and grandpa

 Jax and grandma
 Homemade record banner

 Microphone cupcakes

 Little man and his godparents

 Lots (as in way too much) of sugar

 Help opening presents from cousin Logan

 Baby's first ride
 Practicing for his driver's test

 Logan loves helping him out, just holding his water for him.

One of the best parts of him digging into the cake was how completely nonchalant he was about the whole thing. He just took a handful, shoved it in his mouth, and looked at everyone as if he was thinking "what, I do this all the time". He crashed for a long nap after we cleaned up and headed home, and so did mom and dad.

The day was just great and our little man was spoiled and loved up on. We are so blessed to have the family that we do and little boy that we get to watch grow up. Let them be little, and let them eat cake!

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