
Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday Favorites

Another week gone by, and another Friday is here! Fridays in fall are just happy. I still get all of the warm fuzzy feelings when I think about Friday nights in high school. Going to the football games, and then grabbing a late night appetizer with friends. Just the best. Being an adult in the fall on Friday is pretty sweet too. Because HELLO pumpkin spice everything, and HELLO to a nice weekend with family. I just love it all. Okay, now that I am done being #basic, let's get onto some Friday Favorites!
1. I have really been debating getting a KS Rayne necklace. I get what all you ladies rave about, because they are so so pretty and the quality cannot be denied. However, I am a mom and that one necklace buys a months supply of diapers (I think. Don't ask me how much I spend on diapers please). I decided to do a bit of hunting for a more affordable option, because there is a high likelihood that little hands will likely grab at and destroy any necklace I wear, anyway. This tassel necklace is the perfect option if you are looking for that trendy pendant look, but not necessarily the price tag. At only $18, this piece is a steal. I love the rhinestone detail around the bottom of the stone too, it gives it a little extra pop! I naturally went for the blush pink option, and have already worn it a few times. I am super happy with this purchase.

2. I am full on obsessed with my new old navy pants. These blush colored cords are so perfect and So versatile. And the deep red color on these jeans and how soft they are is just incredible. I am screaming my praises from the roof tops, y'all! Invest in a few pairs, because they are UH-mazing.

3. How perfect is this boat neck tee from Old Navy? I think the cut on boat neck tops is so flattering, and right now Old Navy is 40% off! It is the perfect time to stock up on those fall staples that we all know everyone is dreaming about.

4. Carters had their friends and family sale earlier this week, and I about died when I saw this little jumpsuit. I ordered it in both colors,as well as this little piece as well. I don't really want to talk about the fact that I ordered them in size 18 months, and my baby is not even 5 months old. #hugebaby #mymilkmustbemagic
5. I am still so excited to have found Beautycounter and their amazing, safe products. I feel like I was so uneducated before, and I am glad I am so much more aware of just how unsafe some of the products I had been buying were, especially for my children. The nourishing cleansing balm from Beautycounter is seriously the best product if you are wanting to try it out for the first time and don't know where to start. In case you missed my post yesterday, it is on major sale through the end of today, too! And of course, the product that pulled me in in the first place, the sunscreen. Safe and effective. Any mamas who have searched high and low for a safe sunscreen that works, search no further!

I am looking forward to our first low-key weekend in a few weeks, hopefully getting more things checked off our list around the house!

*This post contains affiliate links

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

Hooray for Wednesday! Nothing beats getting to the middle of the week and knowing we are on the downhill to another weekend. I had to do a double take when I realized it is already the last week of September. Seriously, where did this month go!? Of course with the last Wednesday comes 'What's Up Wednesday', and I always love linking up with Shay and sharing a bit of what's been going on in our little world lately.

What we're eating this week..
I actually did a pretty decent job of planning meals this week! On Monday we had a sausage, veggie, and rice skillet. Tuesday was a knock-off of Olive Garden's chicken gnocchi soup. Today will be something easy like leftovers or some pasta. I also am wanting to make some stir-fry this week! I am sure ordering pizza (our favorite thing ever) will sneak in on one of the nights here :-)

What' I'm reminiscing about..
Darn time-hop on Facebook constantly shows me pictures from two years ago when Jackson was just an itty bitty. And I about die every single time. When do our babies stop being babies and become little people? I love so much about how he is now, because he is so much FUN, but I honestly cannot even remember what he was like as a baby some of the time!

What I'm loving..
I am so in love with the fall weather! It has been in the 60's all week, getting down into the 40's overnight. I am loving putting hats on my little guys, wearing cozy sweaters, and switching over from iced coffee to hot coffee ;-)

What we've been up to..
We have been pretty busy lately! We laid dirt and seed and are finally getting some grass growing, which has been a pretty big weekend project. This month also is both mine and Mike's birthdays, so both of those weekends we went out to eat. We drove up to a resort on a golf course last weekend as Mike's birthday request and seriously had the BEST food ever. It was amazing and delicious and we had such a good time on the long drive just listening to our music and remembering what it is like to actually enjoy a car ride!

We also had a wedding this month, which was a lot of fun! Three weekends in a row of having a night out just the two of us, and it is just good for the soul. 

Taking the time to feed our marriage and reconnect is so important, especially during the season of life that we are currently in.

What I'm dreading..
I am not looking forward to daylights saving time! Once we flip back the clocks, it is seriously dark so much. It is dark when we leave for work, and it is getting dark by the time we get home. It just isn't my favorite, and while I cannot wait for the holidays, I am already dreading the longgg and dark winter months.

What I'm working on..
Trying to decorate our house! It is seriously a neverending process, especially when you are basically starting from square one. And, my toddler thinks all home décor is a toy, so some of the cute stuff I have purchased cannot even be put out because nothing is safe when Jackson is around!
I have also been trying to plan meals a bit better, so I have been figuring out recipes that I can prep for on Sundays making it quick to toss things together during the week. I really want to stick to this, but we will see how it goes. Pizza delivery is just soooo convenient ;-)

What I'm excited about..
Target was having an awesome sale this week, and this blanket that I haven been wanting to use as a throw in our living room was 30% off, and then another 10% on top of that! I have been watching it for awhile, so I knew I had to scoop it up with this sale. We have a lot of quilts which are super cozy, but I really want something for the living room that matches and can serve as both a decorative as well as functional piece. You know you're adulting hard when you are excited about throw blankets. #momlife

What I'm watching/reading..
I really want to read Balancing in Heels, but just have not been able to manage time to even order it, let alone sit down and read it. I did pick up the Taste of Home fall magazine, and Jackson loves looking at all of the food recipes and scanning the pages with me, which is very sweet and I love :-)
Once the little ones are in bed, Mike and I, so far, are really loving This Is Us, and I cannot wait to see where the show goes. We are also watching American Horror Story which is spooky and eerie this season, as usual. And, Thursday nights are Grey's Anatomy! #whydidyoudoitkarev #istillmissmcdreamy I am SO excited that fall TV is back in action. We seriously had so many shows we never were able to watch over the past year when we didn't have DVR, and I am loving that we are finally able to record things and have some shows to look forward to. Tune in for this piece next month, when I have found out who died on The Walking Dead and will still be in mourning.. #ijustknowitsglen

What I'm listening to..
Nothing in particular lately. I enjoy listening to the radio on my drive into work, we have a local morning crew that I really enjoy. I am loving Sia lately. Now that the weather is changing I really am going to have to get my hands on some standards and start enjoying that in preparation for my most favorite music season of all (Christmas music is acceptable after Halloween you know).

What I'm wearing..
It has seriously cooled off here, with high temps in the 60's, so I have not been rocking my pencil skirts much lately. I am obsessed with these colored skinny jeans, and these blush cords. They are a great addition to my work wardrobe for days where I can dress up a bit less.
As always, I am literally living in these tunics, and have days where I tell myself that no, I cannot wear the same shirt twice in the same work week.
I am rocking my booties now, too! And secretly loving that I don't have to worry as much about having a pedicure anymore. Don't judge, aint no one got time for things like that ;-)
Tunic // Skinny Jeans // Flats (similar)

What I'm doing this weekend..
After a few weeks that were pretty busy, we don't have much on the agenda this weekend! We will likely get in some yard work, I hope to *finally* get some pictures hung up on our walls, and spending some time snuggled up with my boys. Apparently the Vikings play on Monday night, so I am just not too sure how we will fill our Sunday afternoon!

What I'm looking forward to next month..
So many thing! I want to take the boys to a pumpkin patch. Jackson is at such a fun and precious age, and I think he will have so much fun. We are also having Lincoln baptized, so that will be special. The Walking Dead. Need I say more? Halloween and dressing up our precious boys. I think October just might be my favorite month of the entire year.

What else is new..
Diverting a bit, but Jackson has really started picking up with his speech lately! We had him assessed for therapy, and he does qualify for them to come out and work with him. While this has me feeling a bit of mommy guilt, like perhaps I should have/could have done more, I am so excited to hopefully start seeing lots of progress soon. Even without even starting yet, he is literally saying a new word every single day now for the past week or two, which is truly music to our ears after having him saying little besides 'mama' and 'dada' for so long. Mike caught a fly in our house in a Tupperware container (sick and cruel even though I hate the darn things) and Jackson took to it kind of like a pet. It was his 'gug' (bug). SO cute when he runs into the room and declares 'GUG'! He is also obsessed with the school bus and will say bus over, and over, and over. He is starting to say animals, as well as all of the sounds they make. My favorite is the puppy, when he says 'foof foof'. And, in my opinion the most precious addition this week is his discovery of the moon and stars in the sky. At bedtime, he will turn off the light, run to his window, and declare 'moo! moo! stah!' Over and over. And then he will throw in bus two or twenty times for good measure. It about makes my mama heart burst. I knew he would break through the barrier and start communicating eventually, but after having him be delayed, it seriously has felt magical these past few weeks. His sweet innocent voice is music to my ears and tugs on alllll of my heart strings.

*Bonus* What is your favorite fall recipe..
I am hoping to whip this up over the weekend. I have made a lot of apple desserts, but this caramel apple pie is Mike's all time favorite, and all of the apples are in season and on sale right now, and nothing says fall more than the smell of baking apples in your house.

Life's a little sweeter with POPSUGAR!

It's not every day that the UPS man is dropping something off at our house. Okay actually, maybe it is (shh, don't tell!) However, it really isn't every day that my favorite delivery men are dropping off a package that I have no idea as to what is inside. And not in a bad way. In a world of instant gratification and always being one step ahead of everything (hello online package tracking!), the POPSUGAR Must Have Box is such a fun change of pace!

I received my box last week, and seriously could not wait to open it! Of course I was attracted to it right away because, well, it was pink. All things that are pink are usually good, in my experience :-) Of course life only got better once I opened it up!

The first thing I noticed was the black wool hat. I will be honest, I am not particularly daring when it comes to fashion, and when shopping if it comes down to it I am just not inclined to spend my dollars on a hat. That does not mean I don't always secretly wish I could try out wearing one, though! The hat in my must have box is totally darling, and my toddler also took approximately two seconds to claim it as his own. I think it looks better on him than it does on me, because how could it not ;-)

I was also SO EXCITED to see the retractable lint roller! I cannot tell you how many sheets have been thrown away on old lint rollers because the outer layer always has to be peeled off after it has been sitting in the drawer before you can get to a new useful sheet. Not with this guy! It comes in a sleek silver tube, is easy to throw in your purse or a drawer, and you aren't wasting sticky sheets due to them collecting dust. Genius.

I think the mani E.R. kit is self explanatory. And excellent. And obviously made its way into my purse immediately!

I will be honest, I was not the biggest fan of the hair mask. It probably boils down to personal preference, but I love for my hair to feel sleek and clean. That is probably also why I wash my hair WAY more than I know I should. I hoped this mask would leave my hair feeling buttery and soft, but in all honesty it felt kind of, well, dirty afterwards. Which did help give my hair some awesome volume! But I don't know if I would purchase it again.

While it was probably the most minimal thing in the box, I was the most excited about the Gluten Free Bites! I don't have issues with gluten (give me alllll of the carby baked things), but that doesn't mean that the words chocolate and coconut didn't speak to my soul when I saw these. You guys, restricted diet or not, these little bites are delicious! They are a perfect treat when you are craving something sweet, and are really dense so they actually feel like you are getting something with substance. They are seriously delish.

And of course, perhaps my favorite item from the box is the Smith&Cult lip gloss. I feel like so many tinted glosses don't give a good amount of color, but one layer of this stuff is seriously all you need, and it stays on super well. It is a bright red color, but little gold flecks make it fun, especially for a night out. Or on a Target run, in my case. This is another piece I know I will definitely be using every last bit of!

What is truly the best part of the #musthave box is that it's a total surprise! And as you can see, it is some seriously awesome stuff that I otherwise probably wouldn't buy for myself. It is kind of like giving yourself a Christmas present that you are just dying to open and see what is inside. Products inside collectively retail for well over $100, but subscribe and each box only costs you $19. AND, use code SHOP5 and you will receive $5 off of your first box!

Do any of you subscribe to POPSUGAR? I would love to know what others think!

*POPSUGAR sent me this Must Have Box to try and review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are solely my own.

Linking up with Our Pretty Little Girls.

Monday, September 19, 2016


Before anything else, I want to ask for prayers for my community this morning. On Saturday evening, a man dressed as a security guard walked through our local mall and stabbed nine victims. An off-duty police officer happened to be there, and shot the assailant, and fortunately all of the victims suffered non-life threatening injuries and are all home and safe. I live in a small Midwest town. Sadly, in this day and age, while something like this shakes you to the core and immediately had me reaching for my cell phone to make sure my mom and sister were okay, it is becoming reality. So if you could, say a prayer for peace, acceptance, and love. In the past ten years there has been a large divide with new immigration to our area, and it is only getting worse. Pray for realization that one person's actions do not reflect an entire community. Pray for open-mindedness and goodness from those who were born and raised here. Just say a prayer. It is so much better to love than to hate.

On a happier note, we had our second kids-free night since Lincoln was born on Saturday! We had the wedding of a family friend, and the weather was PERFECT. Like 70 and sunny with a light breeze, chilly once the sun went down, absolute perfection. It was at a golf course, and just a super fun night. I had the best time with two of my sisters-in-law, and left off the night feeling so lucky to have married into the family that I did. Mike's sister talked the shop boy into lending is a cart to check out the front nine, so we had a fun ride before dinner!
 I also got to catch up with a dear friend who I have not seen in a while, and it was a total highlight of the weekend. Lots of moves were busted on the dance floor, especially after the guys had a few drinks to loosen up ;-)
The wedding favors were little jars of homemade jam. My husband may have taken a mini cheesecake wrapper, filled it with table butter, and topped it with jam. And then had our friend offer it to a girl at another table. #manchild I will let you imagine the look on the poor girls face when she took a bite! 

On Sunday, Mike and I snuck off to breakfast just the two of us before picking up our boys. During nap time I did a week's worth of laundry (fun!), made some apple crisp, and got ready for the new week. 

We had a fish fry at my in-laws for dinner, and capped off the night with Mike watching the Vikings. I obviously crashed before it ended ;-)
And just like that, it is Monday again! Here's to a fast and happy week!
Linking up with Biana today!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy happy Friday! I probably sound like a broken record, but there is just something so fantastic about Friday once you work full time. Because every Friday, I wake up excited knowing that I can enjoy an adult beverage at the end of the day and enjoy coffee on my couch the following morning. And that spells a happy life. This weekend we have a wedding, and the boys are spending Saturday night with grandma and grandpa. I love them so much, but have also come to find that nights away from each other are SO good for the boys, good for my marriage, and really are just good for everyone involved! As always, before we kick off the weekend, I am starting this Friday with some of my favorites from the week!

1. This Cleansing Balm

I shared a little bit last week, but I am now a consultant for Beautycounter! This amazing product line is working to change the personal care industry. In Europe, over 1,400 chemicals are banned from use in personal care products. In the United States, that number is eleven. Scary. This week, our leadership informed us that this cleansing balm is on sale at 30% off! This is a major markdown (better, in fact, than we receive even as consultants). It is multi-purpose, and can be used as a cleanser, moisturizer, makeup remover, or overnight mask! If you have ever considered trying out Beautycounter, taking advantage of this product offer is a great time, because it can be used in so many ways! If you have any questions about the line or are interested in becoming a consultant yourself, or simply want to know more about product regulation and why this movement is so important, feel free to ask!

2. Christmas Pajamas

I know, I know, I KNOW I am jumping the gun, but I am already so very excited to get my guys some matching Christmas pajamas this year! I am in love with this little plaid set, and this Carter's option, too.  And while these won't provide for matching, every baby needs a 'first Christmas' pair of PJ's! You can call me crazy, but by the time you really start thinking about Christmas, the cutest jammies are gone! Buy now, for real.

3. Halloween Costumes
Reeling it back in, I am so NOT creative in the area of Halloween costumes this year. Last year, we created a custom Elvis costume for Jackson, and it was just the cutest ever. I really don't have any grand ideas this year though, probably because I don't sleep EVER and we are trying to furnish/decorate a house. So all of my creative powers are basically zapped. Mike loves golf, so I am thinking Jax might make a darling little golfer? And I just don't think anything would be cuter on Lincoln than a darling puppy or bear costume. Going basic this year, but babies in costumes are cute no matter what, right!?

4. Juice Cleanse

I am trying out my first ever cleanse today, and am nervous/excited to see how it goes! I have seen people do up to three day cleanses, but y'all, I love food, and have a wedding Saturday and will be child free (read: alcohol). But I think one day is totally doable. I have been eating so much sugar and JUNK lately that I think to recharge my system is going to feel great, minus the hunger pains I am sure I will be feeling by 9am, ha! I didn't purchase online, but these cold pressed juices are in Target, and right now with Cartwheel they are 50% off! I picked up the ones that will cover a cleanse, plus some others just for when I want an extra kick of fruits and veggies throughout the week!

5. Sound Spa
Lincoln is STILL sleeping in our room, but I really do think we are going to switch him over soon. Now that his dresser is finally set up, I am working to get his room cleaned up and organized, and figuring out a system for where to store things, change diapers, put the rocking chair for those inevitable midnight feedings, and everything else you need for a nursery to make sense. While being in our room though, we have been using his sound spa. It has a projector system which is great for capturing his attention when he wakes up but doesn't want to eat and needs a distraction to help him drift back to sleep. We have always used a fan at night because personally, I absolutely cannot sleep without some sort of background noise. I was going to buy us one for when we move Lincoln and his sound spa goes with him, but you guys, we have kind of become hooked on the ocean noise we have been using. In fact, Mike asked I get us our own sound machine instead of a fan! I figured we really don't need a projector with cows and fishies to flash onto the ceiling ;-), so I found this version that is more neutral colors and still has our beloved ocean noise we have grown so accustomed to. I am telling myself that the day it arrives, will be the day we officially move Lincoln to his new room! Fingers crossed I don't chicken out!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Workwear Wednesday

Today, I am linking up with The Pleated Poppy to share some of my go-to workwear styles. Now that I am back to work and wearing things besides yoga pants, I am excited to finally share peeks into my wardrobe again!
I do work full-time outside of the home, and business casual is the name of the game. As I have stepped up a bit in my roles to now having some leadership responsibilities, I really feel a bit more of a need to dress the part. I have always 'dressed up' for work, but I feel the need to be 100% put together a bit more than I used to.

First off, I have not lied when I tell you that I wear one of these shirts nearly every single day. They are amazing. They go great with skirts. They are nice and long to wear with slacks when it is cooler outside. Swap out the dress bottoms with a pair of jean shorts and they are amazing for going out to dinner or on errands once you get home. Just buy them in every color. Seriously.

Pencil skirts are your best friend in the summer months. I just hate being hot at work, and these from Target are my absolute favorite. This one is actually soft and stretchy, but still structured. I have also picked up some fun ones from Forever 21 and Express. Between a collection of pencil skirts and these tunics, there are seriously countless options.
Lace Pencil Skirt (similar)
Gingham top (similar)
Tweed skirt (similar)
Colored pants are all the rage right now, and make dressing for work in boring black slacks like I have in the past a bit more exciting. Blush, deep red, and patterned pants all have made their appearance in my closet. And yes, I am wearing a tunic in pretty much every picture. I seriously am wearing them on repeat lately.

While I do wear other things to work, these staple pieces have truly been on rotation and my uniform this summer and fall. I am starting to slowly transition to sweaters, warmer dresses, and eventually my favorite tights, but for now I am getting as much use out of my 'warm weather wardrobe' as possible!

What are YOU wearing this week?

*post contains affiliate links

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Postpartum Body

Postpartum life is very real. Very real. So much goes into it that you aren't prepared for or don't think about. One of those things is returning to your pre-baby body (which honestly will probably never 100% happen). After having two pregnancies, I can say that recovery definitely was different. While I wouldn't say I had major struggles, the second go-round was not as easy as the first. For my own memory, and to share the realities of getting your body back, I decided to document the few months after Lincoln was born to see the changes that were happening.
12 hours after delivery
I was obviously still rocking a major bump at this point, but it is also crazy how small I felt now that the baby was in my arms and not in my belly. Obviously, I still had a solid 20 pounds or so to go.

3 days postpartum
My belly really did a lot of shrinking in the few days after Lincoln was born. I am going to credit a lot of that to breastfeeding. Those afterpains were unreal you guys, I honestly felt more discomfort with the pains during nursing than I did from any of my contractions during labor (of course, my labor was pretty darn easy). I would actually brace the sides of the bed every time I fed him for about a week because I knew they were coming, and I couldn't talk when I had them. They were so painful, but I know that nursing definitely helped speed up the process of getting my uterus back down towards its normal size much more quickly. What this picture doesn't show is how soft, deflated, and alien a belly feels three days after baby. It may be smaller, but things are definitely still stretched out and it feels like a deflated beach ball.
11 days postpartum
There was a little bit of shrinking in the next week or so after delivery, and I was able to squeeze into some of my normal jeans for Lincoln's newborn pictures. They were definitely a bit snug, but they buttoned and I could wear them without feeling like I couldn't breath, so that did a lot for helping me feel a bit more 'normal'! Of course, I should note that the jeans I was squeezing into were my very stretchy jeans! I definitely wasn't rocking anything skin tight or structured! At this point though, I was probably 18-20 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight.
2 weeks postpartum
This is the point where I think the post-baby pooch really became less evident. There was still definitely some 'pooch' going on, but not where you would call it a post baby bump. Unfortunately, it starting feeling more like a 'gut' to me at this point. Clothes continued to fit more normally, and I was able to start wearing my favorite jean shorts again. Which was perfect timing as the summer weather started to arrive. I also started going on lots of walks and easing my way back into short runs. *I know doctors say to not exercise for six weeks after delivery, but the minute I felt discomfort I always stopped.
3 weeks postpartum (and a darling photobomber who wanted to go outside NOW)
This is the point where some frustration set in. From about 1-3 weeks post baby, I really seemed stuck at 13-15 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight. I am breastfeeding, which makes it challenging because sometimes the hunger is UNREAL, but I also hit the trail mixes (my ultimate weakness) during snack time a little hard. So, at that point while I still definitely kept eating to keep my supply up, I did consciously start working to stick to as healthy of foods as possible.
4 Weeks Postpartum
Up about 13 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. I started feeling closer to normal in my clothing. In the photo above I am wearing the favorite jean shorts that I mentioned, and they were definitely feeling more comfortable than they were a week or two prior. I also wore a pencil skirt one day for the interview for my new job, and it felt great that I was able to get into it, but that was also major motivation to get all the way back to normal, because even though it 'fit', it didn't fit how I am used to!
5 weeks postpartum
Up 10 pounds. This was the week where I got within 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight, and it felt amazing. Having a goal in the single versus double digits was huge, and really motivated me to keep it up. When I could manage on leave, I would sneak away for runs at the gym. I also went on a 3 mile walk nearly every day!
Right after the magical moment the scale was only 9 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight. I was so happy!
6 weeks postpartum
Up about 7 pounds at my doctors appointment. At my 6 week appointment with Jackson I only had 3 pounds to go, but I also gained 5 or so more pounds this pregnancy so I had to try really hard some days to give myself grace. I had my brother in law's wedding, at it felt amazing to put on a dress, have my sister do my makeup, and feel pretty. The dress I wore was a jersey material, the prettiest yellow color, and truly the most comfortable dress I have ever worn, and was also SO easy to pull the straps down when I had to run off to the hotel room to pump every few hours. I think it is so important after a baby to dress in what makes you feel good, rather than what you think you 'should' be wearing at any given point in time.
8 weeks postpartum
Up 5 pounds. As I remember with Jackson, there seem to be points where you kind of 'stick'. The weight doesn't necessarily come off steadily. I sat and sat around 15 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight, and then pretty quickly dropped to 10 pounds. Then, I felt like I sat there for a bit and then dropped to 5 pounds above PPW. This may very well be related to increases in how much baby is eating, as every ounce of breast milk equates to 20 calories burned. So, if baby has a growth spurt and is eating 10 more ounces a day, that's burning an extra 200 calories a day! My supply really took off around 5-6 weeks too, where to remain comfortable I had to pump twice a day, ON TOP of Lincoln exclusively breastfeeding.

9 weeks postpartum
Up 4 pounds. At this point I was happy with every pound of progress even if it was a week at a time!
10 weeks postpartum
Up 3 pounds. I basically was 'back to normal' at this point. Of course I wanted to shake those last few pounds, but I was really wearing all of my normal clothing, doing all of my normal activities, and felt like myself.
The picture above is at 15 weeks post-partum, and the day I stepped on the scale to finally seeing myself at, and in fact about a pound below my pre-pregnancy weight. I really have sat at that same place since (I am about 19 weeks post-partum now). It took a little bit longer to get there this time, but I did grow am almost 9 pound baby and am amazed at what my body can do!
At this point, I would love to just really get back into shape. The weight comes off, but the toning and endurance don't happen on their own. One day, soon I hope, I will have a bit more flexibility and independence to sneak to the gym or even do some at home workouts in the garage. At this season in life though, I have a precious and busy toddler and a baby that very much so loves to have my attention, so I am putting my babies first and getting my exercise in the form of walks and wrestling instead of running and weights. It's a struggle some days, but I am ultimately just thankful for two amazing boys and good health!

I would love to hear how moms with demanding babies (who never let you set them down) are able to get in toning exercises!? I would love to hear your advice!

Linking up with Our Pretty Little Girls today.